Chapter Ninety Seven - You shouldn't make girls cry

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The Food Hall of the Inner Martial Arts school was bustling as usual, with chopsticks and spoons tapping against plates and bowls.  Some people chatted lightly, others maintained the habits of old and did not speak until their stomachs were full.  Jin Li had eaten until his plate was clean and his eyes had wandered to his neighbours platters, but they, who were too used to his behaviour, discreetly sheltered their food from his prying eyes.  Not that he was ever uncouth; stealing or demanding their share (that remained the fate of his little alchemist and on the odd occasion, his roommate), but once politely offered, there were no take backs, only regrets.

A bowl of vegetable soup was pushed in front of him by a slender and slightly tanned hand.  He glanced up to receive the sunny smile of his roommate, who made excuses about how full he was and without offering gratitude, Jin Li claimed the bowl, only lamenting that it lacked meat.

A tray filled to the brim was placed noisily beside him and the man carrying it sat down after this.  "I heard that that one from the nobles' school was here again," Bowyer informed Pike, who was eating his food while sitting besides Sun.

Pike swallowed the mouthful of bread and reached for a cup of water.  "I suppose it's been three years since the last time," he mused.  "Doesn't he ever get tired of it?

"He must receive some twisted satisfaction from doing it," Bowyer sneered.

Sun's bright eyes widened and ears twitched.  He couldn't help but ask; "What's going on?  What noble school?"

"Well, you know that there are several schools that teach about matters of cultivation?" Bowyer enquired.  Sun actually didn't, but he nodded anyway.  It wouldn't make sense for the Institute to hold a complete monopoly and besides that, there were private tutors that also did the same for those who could afford it.  "Five schools are considered the most notable, the Institute being perhaps the most known of all due to its policies of accepting students no matter their background.  Besides us, there are four others.  One, the Qilin Academy of Excellence, only accepts nobles with decent ability of cultivation.  Their Headmaster has a habit of visiting our school to poach students."

"Oh," Sun seemed to lose interest for a bit, then couldn't help but look at Jin Li.  Would that man try solicit his roommate?  Then he shook his head realising it wouldn't matter even if he did.  Jin Li would not leave without Leon and Leon was a commoner from a poor village.  Definitely not qualified.  Pike and Bowyer were, in his opinion, from good backgrounds (he didn't know the ins and outs and never asked) but they were still here, so this Headmaster was unlikely to affect their little group dynamics.  He never once thought that he might become a target.

"It's not only him that came to visit this time!" A student with a love of gossip close by decided to enlighten them.  "I heard the Headmistress from the Azure Heights Finishing school was here also!"

"Did she come to poach people too?" Sun asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

The gossiper hesitated, he didn't know the answer and also didn't want to admit to that.  "That may be the case," he suggested without confirming.  "There are several girls who've become famous throughout the Institute after all." He counted a few on his fingers; "Mute from the Cygnus family is the strongest mage in the Institute at the moment, Merylin of the Inner Alchemist school I've heard is a natural talent, our Luna is in the top ten of the martial arts school standings..."

"Girls?" Sun picked up this point slightly confused.

"The Azure Heights Finishing school is a Cultivation school for women," Pike informed him.

"Oh," Sun scratched his head and shrugged.  "Do all of the other four schools have restrictions on who'll they'll accept as students then?"

"Yes and no," Pike replied after thinking about it for a moment.  "It's true that Azure only accepts women, but background and ability, that is much more flexible like our school.  The Savage Red Sands Legion is geared towards teaching martial artists and beast tamers, but that doesn't mean they won't accept others, just that others might not get the education they require.  Same for the Towers of Wisdom; they predominantly teach Mages, with scholars and alchemists as secondary."

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