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AN: The same triggers warnings apply for all chapters!
!!: This chapter specifies y/n's height, feel free to change it in your head!!

UPDATED AN: This chapter DOES NOT specify y/n's height :).

Imagine not being in the boys gc

Theodore Nott
who's up?
lover boys?
we get it i'm gay
jk jk i fancy the
bot of the y/n
wake up loves

Theodore Nott
up up up
up up up
up up up
up up up
up up up
up up up
up up up
up up up
up up up

Draco Malfoy
theo tf go to sleep
it's 3am you absolute
attention whore.
you've just woke es up

Vincent Crabbe
hes woke us all up the
skinny prick

Lee Jordan
what is wrong with kids
and not having a concept
of day and night??

Theodore Nott
yeah that's canny ig
can we play a game??

Cedric Diggory
what game cuz i'm not
paying fifa again
it's shit

Draco Malfoy
are we first years?
are we five?

Blaise Zabini
@theodore that's aimed
at you btw

Theodore Nott
omg can we play
among us i havent
played in ages

Marcus Flint
wtaf go to sleep you're
meant to be what 15?

Draco Malfoy
Theo i'm literally
gonna clobber you go
to fucking sleep

Theodore Nott
pal you're literally
acting like a child whose
been woken up from
a nap

Seamus Finnigan
uve woke up dean
well done
you can all actually
go drown yourselves

Blaise Zabini
go to sleep
i'm fucking shattered

i swear to fucking god
i'm going to murder
whoever started this chain
fucking notifications
piss off
it's not even funny i've got school

Neville Longbottom
want me to help turn
the off? x❤️

Draco Malfoy
You've even woke up
Neville mate. morning
plant boy, rise and shine!

Theodore Nott
didn't mean to wake you
neville pal sorry

Cedric Diggory
who's the pressed
new kid?

aren't you like dead?

Draco Malfoy
We don't know, why
don't you introduce
yourself to us all?

no thanks
i hope you get pegged
in your nightmare

Ronald Weasley
that sounds like a wet
dream love


Cedric Diggory

Theodore Nott
one game of among us?
we need more players
and i've woke everyone
up now

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