Chapter 28: Awkward Encounters

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- Author's Note: Yooooo so turns out in most cultures a related name for Zeus is Dennis, which cracks me up, so I'm calling Jason and Thalia's Dad Dennis Grace in this. I hope people find this as funny as I did. Idk why I just keep on imagining Poseidon finding out this information and being like "hahaha bro the Croatians are calling you Dennis" and Hades forever sarcastically replying to his brother like "yes, Lord Dennis", and "of course, Lord Dennis, King of the Gods"... - 

Annabeth POV Continued:

"So, Beryl, another year, another Tony Award," Tristan smiled, pouring out another glass of wine for Jason's Mom. "Dennis and the Kids must be extremely proud."

Beryl looked at her children expectantly and they nodded quickly. "Well, that's what happens when I work with Lin-Manuel," Beryl laughed in that snooty sort of way you only see posh people do. "The man is a genius! I simply do whatever he tells me and I'm somehow praised for it. Come on, Dear, fill up the glass." 

Tristan chuckled and poured even more wine into her glass. I didn't fail to notice the silent looks exchanged between Jason and Thalia as they watched him pour. 

"Ah, but that's not nearly as exciting as yet another Oscar Nomination, Tristan! You might not have won it this year but a nomination's just as good as the real thing," Beryl smiled and reached for Tristan's hand. He held it out across the table and Beryl gave it a squeeze. "I'm so proud."

"Thank you, Beryl, your support means so much," Tristan replied. He turned his head towards Piper. "I keep on trying to get this one to accompany me to the awards ceremony, but you're the next best, Bee. It is a shame though, I keep on telling Piper how wonderful she'd look if I got my team to dress her up like a star. Look at her, she's made for the red carpet! Wouldn't you agree?"

Thalia hid her face behind her drink as she stared at Piper and grinned. Piper held in a laugh as she looked back at her. I tried not to scowl - I forgot these two were actually friends. 

"Why is it that you don't go with him, Piper?" Dennis piped up, speaking for the first time. "A Daughter should be the first to support her Father."

Piper tried to hide her disgust, but I knew her well enough now to read the look on her face. I stared down at my food and busied myself with eating.

"Well, ah, it's the paparazzi that's the problem," Tristan answered quickly. "She doesn't want to get recognized. I understand it - it would cause an awful lot of trouble at school if her classmates realized she was the daughter of a superstar!"

Beryl laughed her posh laugh again. "I'm sure it will be fine! Why, Jason and Thalia never had any problem with being the children of a famous Broadway star!"

That's because they don't tell anyone they're your children, Beryl, I thought.

She took a big swig of her wine and Thalia and Jason exchanged looks again. 

"So, um, Annabeth, did you enjoy the party the other day?" Jason asked timidly.

My thoughts went to Percy again, and that kiss. "Yes, I did actually. What-"

"Party? What party? Piper, did you go to this party?" Tristan interrupted, looking up from his plate. 

"Yes, Dad, the whole school went. It was at Leo's Lakehouse," Piper blushed. 

"How come you didn't tell me about this? You didn't drink, did you?" Tristan frowned. Thalia stopped herself from laughing again. 

"You were out of town," Piper shrugged. "I got Edward to take us-"

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