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"Fuck, shit," I hear someone say as they fall on my lap waking me up from my peaceful sleep. I groan in annoyance and slowly open my eyes to find Aziel in my lap, "I'm so sorry," he says, "There was like turbulence and I had to go pee, then I fell obviousl-"

"It's fine," I smile slightly, still tired, "Can you just like...get off?"

"Oh yeah...sorry," Aziel rubs his neck sheepishly as he gets up, "I don't think we've had a proper introduction, I'm Aziel,"

"I know,"

"Right...you probably read our files," He chuckles.

"If I'm gonna have a team for this mission I only want the best," I respond.

"Director said we're the best?" He smiles excitedly as I nod my head. He goes to sit in the chair behind me and I spin mine to face him.

"What else did he say about me?" He asks curiously. I laugh at his curiosity and peppiness but tell him anyway.


I look up from my phone as the once quite plane becomes slightly louder as Phoenix and Aziel start a conversation.

I'll admit I wasn't thrilled to find out that I had to go on this mission with her. I'm still not thrilled. She punched me in the face in front of the whole school and broke my nose over a stupid competition. But God damn was she strong, she's probably even stronger now.

But Director said I didn't have a choice and he needed the best on this mission, which inflated my ego a bit and made me hesitantly comply.

I wasn't trying to be rude when I asked about just getting a lead. I just want this mission to be over quickly. But after reading Andrey's file, I figured this mission would be longer than I thought.

I watch her as she talks with Aziel.

Her appearance has changed a lot over the years. I've been busy distracting myself with missions, so I haven't been around the agency as much. I've been all over, doing missions in different countries. Mainly France of course because I'm French, but I just love it their. The last time I saw her she was slender. But now she's...grown, for lack of a better word. She's curvier now which is probably from all the training she's had to go through for this mission.

Her almond shaped blue green eyes crinkle as she laughs at something Aziel said. She tucks her brown hair behind her ears as she talks. She used to have a baby face before, but now the chubbiness on her face is gone, showing her high cheekbones. My eyes trail down to her button nose and full lips.

You'd have to be blind to say that she's not good looking. But she's still a she-devil.

"Hey guys, I found something..." Aspen mumbles staring at her computer screen. We all walk over to see her screen, "So I've found a street that Andrey walks on regularly, about once a week. He's really good at being in hiding...look," Aspen plays a past recording of one of the street cameras.

He's walking down the street in a coat with the collar pulled up and his hat pulled down. At a first glance you wouldn't be able to tell that it's him but if you looked hard enough you can tell. I see Phoenix visibly stiffen as she recognizes him. 

"Did you find where he's staying?" She asks clearly trying to keep her anger at bay.

"Nope, like I said he's really good at hiding. He always disappears into a crowd at some point and then he's just gone. It's so fucking weird," Aspen mutters in frustration.

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