Chapter 3

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    As Alpha Johnny lead us to the compound, all I could do was worry that this was a mistake. Was a really ready to be around a bunch of men this early? I mean, it's not like I was looking for a relationship. We pulled up to a big gate, guarded by a young man with a leather vest. He jumped to his feet from the small guard booth and pulled open the gate, allowing us to enter before he closed and locked it behind us.

    Inside, there were lots of small buildings. My guess was different small businesses or homes for the other members of the club. He drove his loud Harley right through the center of the compound, earning the stares of many rough looking men. We pulled up to an old cabin situated on the outskirts; a towering cinder block and concrete wall directly behind it. I exited my truck just as Alpha Johnny got off his bike. He pulled a small set of keys out of his pocket and slid them into the little lock hanging from the latch on the cabin door.

    "Well this is it. It's not much, that's for sure. Pretty much just two rooms: bedroom with a bathroom, and a living room and kitchen. We have a small community laundromat across the compound for when you need to wash clothes. Machines don't take change, just push the button. Most of the furniture is already here, really just needs cleaned and some decoration I guess. You can start at the bar start of next week, gives you a few days to get settled. Any questions"?, the Alpha spilled his speech pretty quickly. He seemed like a decent man, was friendly enough, but he's sounded like he was in a hurry, so I just shook my head. He tossed me a set of keys and rushed out the door, shutting it behind him.

    Left alone, I sighed with a smile. My new home definitely needed some work. Before bringing in my things, I decided to clean up the bedroom. I found an old broom and dustpan in the pantry, among with some half empty spray cleaners. I gathered my arms full and headed into the bedroom. I swept up the dust that had gathered on the floor, sweeping it into my dust pan and emptying it in to the trash. Once that was done, I used the half empty can of wood polish to dust the dresser and bed frame. I noticed out the window that it was starting to get darker, so I hurried outside to my old truck and gathered all my belongings, carrying them into my new home one by one. I unzipped my sleeping bag all the way so that it would cover the bare mattress and tossed my pillow on top. I'd been smart and brought my electric blanket that my supposed best friend had gotten me the Christmas before. Plugging it in, I crawled into bed, snuggling down into the radiating warmth. It was really cold outside, and I hadn't found the thermostat yet. I'd look for it tomorrow when I finished cleaning.

The next morning, I Woke to the sound of birds chirping and a beam of sunlight shining through the window. Yeah, I was gonna have to get some curtains. I yawned and streaked till my joint cracked. I didn't sleep that great, but I would fix that today. Throwing on a pair of jeans and a tshirt and old bleach stained hoodie with an old pair of thick socks, I grabbed those spray cleaners and decided to tackle the rest of the cabin that day.

I started with the kitchen, scrubbing down the counters and the old wooden table with an SOS pad and some comet. Eventually, the layer of scum was off to reveal a beautiful oak table and chair set. Once I'd dusted out the bugs and dirt from the cabinets and floors, I moved onto the small bathroom that was directly off the bedroom. The toilet and tub both had a black ring around the inside, a sure indicator that it hadn't been used in years... that or the last tenant was disgusting. I scrubbed them down till they literally sparkled, using an old scrub brush id found under the sink to do the floors as well. Once I had finished, I emptied all my bags into the closet, dresser and bathroom. I felt disgusting; I was covered in grime and smelt on bleach. I needed a shower ASAP.

When I stepped out of my steaming shower and into the cold bedroom, I shivered. The temperature had definitely dropped since I'd gotten in. I quickly dressed in a clean pair of jeans and a long sleeved shirt with a hoodie and my boots. It was roughly 4pm, but I still needed to grocery shop and get some things for my new home. I sighed, I still needed to gather some wood for the old wood stove that was in the living room, as it was the only source of heat for the cabin.

After driving the 45minutes to the closest Walmart, I was surprised to see the Alpha there as well. I debated approaching him to say hello, but he beat me to it as I browsed the bedding section.

"Oh hey Miss. Hale. See you found out little Walmart out here", he said with a smirk and small chuckle.

"Yes Sir, Alpha. I spent the day cleaning up the cabin because Lord.... that was a mess. Then I realized that I'd not had time to get groceries or bedding or shower stuff. Still gotta cut some wood for the stove tonight, it was sure cold last night", I blushed slightly embarrassed that I'd spent the night feeding on a bare mattress because I'd been too stupid to realize it was a wood stove.

"You should've told someone. No sense in a woman being cold at night. Were you alright though? No one bothered you? I know there isn't a lock on that door, but I'll have one of the boys come by to install one this evening", he said sternly. He was like a protective father, something I never had. It felt nice, that's for sure and it made me feel safe.

I tossed a matching shower curtain and bath mat set into my buggy, joining the sheet and comforter set as well. All I needed now was those curtains. "That would be great! Thank you so much. I'd love that. I mean, not that I don't trust y'all.... I just.... I like to feel safe, ya know?"

"Understandable. Especially with how the whole town feels about us, it's easy to be weary of a new place. But I'll let you get back to your shopping. Well see ya later, girly", Alpha said with a small wave as he turned his buggy around.

I smiled to myself and searched the store, picking out a set of blackout curtains. As I checked out and headed home to the cabin, my phone rang from an unknown number. Picking up, I heard the voice I never wanted to hear again, screaming for me to come back. I hung up and rolled my eyes. After pulling into the compound, I gaped at the sight before me: several massively burly men all in leather vests, cutting wood and stacking it on the porch of my cabin. One man was installing A lock on the front door as two cut the wood and another two stacked it.

I got out of my truck with my bags and made my way up the steps. Alpha stepped out from inside, smiling.
"Told ya. These are a few of the guys. You'll meet them tomorrow at the Pack meeting. It's in the building at the very back of the compound, with the logo on the front doors. See ya at 6pm", he mentioned as he and the other men started to disperse. I said a quick thank you and made my way inside to put my things away.

After making my bed with my new things, I changed into a set of pjs and crawled into bed. I was exhausted after the days events, and tomorrow was going to be the most important day yet. I was going to meet the higher ranking members. That was enough to stress anyone out. All I could do was go to bed.

Goodnight world.

I'm so sorry this is so late. I swore a chapter a day, but lord these kids 😂 also my mom and stepdad was in town.

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