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After relaxing a bit at home and having lunch, Lauren was now on her way to her appointment at the Athletic Health Center where Camila worked.

"I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses,
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails!"

Lauren screamed along with the rock song on the radio.

Suddenly, her cell phone rang.

"Hello?" Lauren answered with the Bluetooth attached to her ear.

"Lauren Jauregui! Turn down that God awful music!"

"Hey, mom." The green eyed replied, lowing the volume. "What's up?" She smiled, still feeling the after effects of cupid's arrow.

"Well, I just wanted to give you some exciting news." Clara said happily.

"Yeah? What might that be?" Laur smiled.

"Anthony, he proposed last night!"

"What?! You're kidding?! What did you say?" The basketball player asked with anticipation.


"Oh, Mom that's fantastic! Congratulations!" Laur grinned.

Anthony and Clara had been together for the past two years. Lauren met him when her mother had just begun dating him. She liked him well enough, and he didn't mind it when Lauren called him Tony, rather than Anthony. He was a retired police officer with a good sense of humor and seemed to be making her mother happy. So, he was fine in her book.

"Have you guys picked a date?"

"Oh, it's too early to tell now, but we're hoping to have it next spring. You know, while you're off season."

"Sounds great. I'm really happy for you, Mom. Tony is a real catch."

"Thanks, sweetie. That means a lot to me. Of course, I can't say the same for your oldest brother."

."He's still being huffy about your relationship? What's wrong with him?"

"I guess on some level he thinks Anthony is replacing your father."

Lauren shook her head, disappointed on her eldest brother.

"I just hope he comes to the wedding." Clara solemnly spoke.

"Oh, he'll be there. I'll make sure of it." Lauren promised.

"I'm sure you will, hon."

Laur could hear her mother smiling.

"What are you up to?" Clara asked.

"I'm actually on my way to the doctor to get my physical."

"Oh, okay."

"My physical from Camila." Lauren beamed happily.

"Is that so? Didn't you two have a date last night?"

"Yes, we did."

All night long. Lauren thought.

"How did it go?"

"Mmm...Let's just say, it went very, very well."

"Oh, Lauren. Don't you ever know how to behave yourself?" Clara asked in an amused manner.

"Of course, I do Mom." Lauren pulled her car into the parking lot of the Athletic Center. "Camila just does something to me when I look at her."

Clara sighed reminiscently. "You two always did belong together. I'm glad you found each other again."

"Me too." Lauren killed the engine on her car. "Well, I have to go now, Mom and congrats again."

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