Part 19 ( the kiss )

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*gavin opened the door and Nicollet kissed him*
*coco saw that and went
Gavin : omg Nicollet why I did that
Nicollet : I told u ur mine and we are dating
Gavin : no omg u made me hickey
Nicollet: will u break up with ur gf or what
Gavin : I won't stop it now
Nicollet: come here
* Nicollet took Gavin and kissed him more than once
Gavin : stop
Nicollet: now u can't remove the hickeys
Gavin : Nicollet I'm not ur friend anymore
*gavin goes to the home and closes the door *
Gavin : coco please don't be mad
Coco: she kissed u and what
Gavin : coco please she pulled me
Coco: ok Gavin , I know but u have many hickeys
*walked entered *
Walker : omg Gavin u have so much hickeys
Gavin : it's an old friend

*gavin opened the door and Nicollet kissed him**coco saw that and went Gavin : omg Nicollet why I did that Nicollet : I told u ur mine and we are dating Gavin : no omg u made me hickey Nicollet: will u break up with ur gf or whatGavin : I won't st...

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Coco : walker where is Sicily
Walker : she went to her home
Coco: bye Gavin
Gavin : bye babe
Walker : we never know that we would fall in love
Gavin : yes , but that girl coco she's very beautiful
Walker : Sicily too

To be continued

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