i wont leave you

876 25 3

caregiver: rantaro amami
regressor/little: shuichi saihara

Requested by: FrancisTheGreat12
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Rantaro had finally put saihara to sleep. It was hard since the boy was so stressed out today. They usually slept together, but amami had to do some overdue project for school. He took one last look at his sleeping boyfriend and smiled before walking out of the room and shutting off the light. Shuichi on the other hand, wasn't having a pleasant slumber. He was having a horrible nightmare. Because of his trauma he had with his own parents, it was hard for him to trust. He had bad abandonment issues. That's why he hated being separated from rantaro for too long, he thought amami wouldn't come back if he wasn't with him most of the time. He would get scared if rantaro left for more then 2 hours cuz he would think amami left him forever. In his nightmare amami said he didn't wnana be with him anymore, and that he couldn't deal with him. Amami then coldly pushed shuichi off of him and left. Not even turning back to look at him, just left him there. In terms. Heart broken. Shuichi woke up in a cold sweat, he soon bursted into tears as he gripped his jammies tightly. He turned to his side to huh rantaro but soon realized he wasn't there. Amami heard a loud cry and burst into the room. "Woah, babe. Hey...its okay. I'm here." He cooed as he sat down next to shuichi, soon realizing he was little. Shuichi clung to him like wet clothes clings to someone when it rains. He cried into his chest as rantaro rubbed his back. "What happened, sweetheart?" Shuichi brought his head up to look at his caregiver. "..papa, you're not gonna leave me...right?" He whimpered out as he squeezed rantaro harder. "Of course not, I would never leave you baby. I love you so much. Did you have a nightmare or something?" He played with shuichi's blue locks of hair and wiped his tears away. Shuichi nodded and sniffled. "You said you didn't wanna be with me anymore, and then...then...y..you..left me! Left me alone! An..an-and.." he choked out as tears flooded his eyes again. "You said u didnt..wanna ta-take care..of me anymo..more!!" Rantaro hugged the boy even tighter, feeling himself feel horrible. He shushed the regressed boy and stood up, gently cradling him in his arms. Shuichi's legs wrapped around rantaro's back and he layed his head on his shoulder. "Papa would never leave you baby. Nothing you do could make me love you any less. I love taking care of my little boy. I love you, you know that, right? I LOVE you shuichi. You're my precious baby. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. You mean the world to me. I will always be here for you, no matter what." He said softly into shuichi's ear. Shuichi felt himself calm down as his tears stopped and he hugged amami tighter. "Tank yhu..papa.." he managed to say thru his hiccups. Rantaro smiled and went to make the boy some warm milk so he could get sleepy again. "I love you too, papa.." the bluenette's voice was cracked and tired, amami could tell the baby was ready to go back to sleep. Once the bottle was finished up in the microwave he laid shuichi back down on the bed amd layed his head on his lap, sliding the bottle nip into his mouth. "Good boy.." rantaro cooed as shuichi took the baba in with no hesitation and drank it. Warm milk always comforted him and helped him sleep, he used to make it for himself when he was younger to comfort himself, since his parents certainly weren't going to comfort him...afterall, they were the cause of him needing comfort in the first place. Shuichi's slowly became limp in rantaro's lap as he fell asleep. Rantaro smiled and took the bottle nip from his mouth and placed it down onto the table. This time he wouldnt make the mistake of leaving shuichi to go do something else...he layed there with shuichi, although he wasn't tired. He just layed there with him so his baby would know he wasn't ever going to leave him. "I love you so so much, prince.." he whispered as he pressed gentle kisses all over shuichi's face.

word count: 739

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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