Chapter - 34 : Enemy's Attack

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Sanskar kept on staring at Reva's sleeping figure. Her tear marks were still visible to him, her pale and fatigued face brought fresh tears in his eyes.

When he called her with her real name, she glanced at him sharing brief eye lock. 'Does she remember her true identity? Doctor said she is recovering; she would remember everything, but it will take long time. Did she remember Anu Papa and Mom from these pictures? Maybe they both were closest to her heart.'

He was still sitting on bed holding her pale hand in his. He carefully kept her hand on stomach and then got up after long moment, he bent to kiss her forehead and caressed her hairs.

"Reva Mom, I promise, I will bring your family to you. Everyone is waiting for you. Even after 20 years everyone loves you. Your Shona, she had turned in to beautiful and fierce lady. She is wife. I love her like anything." Sanskar mumbled in low whisper yet determined tone promising himself.

Sanskar came to Rohan's apartment, Neil was discussing something on his phone call.

"Hey Sanskar, I am going to Delhi. Dad needs me there for his meeting with cabinet ministers. We will be back by night. I heading to Pune Airport" Neil informed looking at Sanskar's serious face. His brain was running with jet speed over the happenings of the day.

"Ohh yes, you go ahead" Sanskar barely mumbeld nodding his head, when his mind registered his best friend's words.

Neil knew even today his best friend blames himself for that accident. Every time, he met this lady he slipped in his own serious zone and prefers to stay alone. He patted his back and then left his friend to deal with his own thought process.

'I found Aunty at the end of 2014, Swara was born in 1996. As per Mom, Reva Mom disappeared in mid of 2001. So where was she in between for 13 – 14 years? Rohan had mentioned she was drugged, she was also traumatised when we found her and mostly, she was shot two times. This means somebody wanted to kill her. Did someone keep her in captive over all those years? But why? Person wanted to kill her, but it's not simple killing... somebody hated her till this extend that person wanted to give her most painful death. But who can it be?' Sanskar's calculative mind started running over the past events.

'Right now, the major question is should I inform Anu Papa and Swara? Ofcourse they need to know about her.' Sanskar took out his phone from pant pockets and opened recent call list to call his father-in-law.

'No wait... it should be face to face. There will be lot of questions raised, if they are not answered diligently, there is chance of misunderstandings. I don't want Anu Papa and Swara to misunderstand me. Also, I need to be very careful... I still don't know who the real culprit behind this mystery was. But it is sure he or she is someone very close to our families. May be someone from our social circle? If that person gets to know about Reva Mom, he will plan attack on her again. I cannot risk her life bringing her in limelight without full proof back up. First I need to know what happened in the past.' he cancelled the call; he rubbed his forehead as it has started throbbing with continuous thoughts.

"Roger, increase security of this floor. I don't want anybody to visit this floor without my permission. Only Rohan and assigned nurse should be attending Aunty no one else should enter in her cabin. Keep your eyes and ears open. You personally be here." Sanskar instructed in cold voice passing numerous orders to his security chief.

'Is it the same person who is still playing behind curtains? Is Sid Uncle behind this? May be no as what will he get it by abducting Reva Mom? These dots are not connecting, I need to drill everyone from our families to understand these family dynamics' Sanskar thought taking deep breath.

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