asks you out

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I love this man like so much



It was just a normal day but something was off with Izuku " hey Izuku are you ok you seem more nervous than normal" "w..well i..I umm here" he handed me a piece of paper and ran away it said

Dear y/n
Over time I have grown feelings for you and so I was wondering if you wanted to talk about it later on top of the roof.
                 :Later that day:
"HI Izuku " "hi y/n" it was so cute how nervous he was "I get it if you hate me now and think that I'm weird if so it's  ok" " well that's a shame because I like you too"


I was sitting under a tree eating lunch when Kirishima and Bakugou walked up to me and Bakugou looked nervous " wi..will ...... screw this " Bakugou said and started leave but Kirishima yelled if you don't do it I will and he came back " let me be your boyfriend idiot" "Yes katsuki "


I found a note in my locker and it told me to meet someone at the roof at lunch so I did but when I went up thar sho was up thar so I was confused " sho ...." " y/n I have a question to ask you and you can not think of me differently after I ask you this ok" " ok..." " you have always been the most beautiful girl to me and I have always been heart broken when others get to call you thar and I don't so will you be my girlfriend" " Yes sho yes "


So after school on my was home kiri stoped me and look really nervous " hey umm n/n will you be so nice as to go out with me " " Yes kiri I will"


He shocked me literally so all day Mina was happier than normal and kaminari was acting weird and at lunch Denki came up to and said " willyougooutwithmeplease"(will you go out with me please) "Yes Denki " and he hugged me and shocked me


Him and kaminari came up with Ideas for hours and they still didn't know how to do it so the asked Mina to help and than the plan was gold so after school Sero came and said please come with me and so you did. He led you to a spot in the park thar was a pick nic ready for you'll and than he asked you
(And thanked God for Mina)


It was early in the morning and I wanted to go home but sadly I had school. As I was in to class I see iida with flowers " will you be my girlfriend " " hehe ya ig I will"

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