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Will there be a sequel?


Can we have an epilogue to show a few years later?

Nah, I don't wanna write one lol

Will there be a spin off about Brandon and Joey?


What do they struggle with the most mentally? But not related to what's happening now like something they've struggled with their whole life?

Never thought about it, but I guess Matt's would always be his relationship with his mom. As expressed in the story, he's been struggling with her controlling him his whole life so being controlled by anyone in general would make him upset.

Dana's would probably be... how people perceive him? Since he mentioned early on that he was teased for his looks, then it was made worse by the attention from dating Matt. It'll probably always bother him a little even when he's older.

Where do you see Matt and Dana in 1 yr? 2 yrs? 5 yrs?

Still dating lol I think after all the crap they went through, they're a couple that'll stick together. They'd probably get married around 10 years? Both seem the type to really wait it out before popping the question.

Does Matt's acting career take off again?

Yeah, I think he'd get even more popular without his mom hovering over him since he can choose what he's genuinely interested in.

Does Dana and Tori remain friends after college?

Yeah, but I not as friendly as they were. Life moves on. They'll have their own careers and families, but they'd probably at least hang out from time to time.

Does Matt ever patch things up with his Mom?

No. I don't think what she has done to him is forgivable and Matt sure as hell doesn't either. Mom is a title that is earned, not given, and she has never earned that so they're definitely done.

What inspires your writing? Real life events? Characters you love? Developing a twisty plot?

A little bit of everything. For Fools in Love, I watched the kdrama I Am Gangnam Beauty (highly recommend btw, very cute and beautiful story) and the couple was sooooo adorably awkward that I wanted to have two fools in love too, which is obviously where the name came from. And I wanted it to be ridiculous kdrama stuff, like the whole dating an actor thing, having to have a bodyguard, all that.

I'd say what really makes me love a story, and why I love my fantasy story He Who Will Be King, the most would be the developing a twisty plot and/or having characters I genuinely love. I'm not the type to get super attached to the point that I think OH I GOTTA WRITE MORE or I WANT TO READ EVERYTHING I CAN ABOUT THEM! I'm more of the "ok, give me the story, move the plot forward, and when it ends, it ends, and I move onto the next" type of person. So when I find a story and characters that actually make me invested, they mean a lot to me.

What's the written work you're most proud of right now?

As mentioned above, He Who Will Be King. I want to make it even better in the future ^^

When do you find time to write and post here?

I work from home writing full time so...it's already my life lol I have been getting more work projects lately so I have to cut back on the free novels. I hope I can continue giving free work through the year for everyone to enjoy, but I'm definitely needing to take more time for myself now.

Anyway, that's all the questions I got for the Q&A. Sorry that it took so long to post it. With the holiday and the break I took, I kind of forgot lol I have plenty of other novels available to read, as well as some stories only available on Tapas. You can find them by searching my name; Twoony. Thanks for reading!

Completed Free to Read Novels:

The Secrets of Lore Seymour
Invisible Boy
What Makes a Monster
Dear Caleb
Fools in Love
14 Days
The Lonely Ones

Completed Paid Novels Available on Tapas:

Speak the Truth
Riddle Me This
Whisper Woods
The Not So Super Hero
The Antidote to Doubt
Save the Demon King
Reborn as the Villain's Lackey
The Matchmaker Prince

Completed Comic Available on Tapas:

Love Algorithm
Speak the Truth (partial adaptation of novel)

Books available on Amazon as eBooks and paperbacks:

Speak the Truth
The Not So Super Hero
Whisper Woods

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