Chapter One: Questions

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My ears rang and my vision was blurry. I attempted to lift myself up off the ground but my arms were overcome by pain and my upper boy collapsed back to the ground. I used what little strength I had left to wipe the dirt out of my eyes. Once most of the dirt was gone, I lifted my head to see the outcome of the explosion.

I didn't notice before but Eren laid next to me, arm on laying on top of my back. I remember that he had tried to shield me. As I looked around some more, many soldiers laid unmoving.

I held my breath, hoping that at least someone would move or talk, even a cough would do. Fortunately I heard the groans of Armin, who was a little bit behind me. Although he sounded like he was in pain, I was happy. That meant he was alive, if he can feel pain that means he is alive.

I felt the arm laying on my back twitch a little, then I felt it completely move. Eren started getting up, healing a little quicker than the rest of us do to his abilities. He got back down to my level and put my arm over his shoulder and lifted me up. I grunted in pain as he moved me, it felt as though my ribs were broken. We hobbled away as quickly as we could, but why exactly were we in such a rush? What exactly were we running from? I remember hitting my head, but what had caused that to have happened? My thoughts were soon interrupted by the fearful shouts of Armin.


My head jerked backwards and caught a glimpse of large fingers emerging from the smoke that I didn't happen to notice at first. But before I could react, Eren had shoved me away from him. I landed on the ground harshly, having the breath knocked out of me. I watched as Eren was grabbed within the titan's large hands was taken back into the smoke and was gone from sight.

I began to hyperventilate when I heard more shouts coming from Armin telling me to run. So I did just that. The adrenaline had finally kicked in. I scurried up off the ground, I did stumble a bit but I was able to recover fairly quickly. Armin was telling me to run faster, couldn't he see that I was trying? But why was I running again? And why did my head hurt so bad? Wasn't Eren with me, I wonder where he went? So many questions I had, but I couldn't seem to solve them. All I could see was Armin's tear streaked face, begging me to run.

I felt a sudden force stopping me, for a moment I felt weightless. I felt myself brought up quickly into the air, my vision being engulfed by the cloudy white smoke. Then all my questions were finally answered as I saw what was revealed to me.

I saw the face of a giant titan, its face covered with armor and teeth bared. And a little but past the titan that held me within its grasp was another titan, but this one was skinless and had steam emitting from it. I knew these titans, no I knew these people. These titans were Reiner and Bertholdt. How could I forget?
I didn't get to dwell on the fact that these traitors were my friends for too long as I noticed that Reiner had begun to move towards the edge of the wall. Without any hesitation he jumped and took me with him.

I covered my face as he dug his elbows into the wall behind us as an attempt to control the speed of the drop. Specks of stone flew around us, hitting against my body and face. I looked around for hope in finding an escape, but instead I made eye contact with Eren.
He didn't even bother to shield his face from the stone. Tears flew off of him. He couldn't make sense of the situation he was in. My heart broke for him, the amount of pain he was in, the agony he must've felt. It must have been too much to bear. I felt a slight burn and wetness in my eyes, I was crying too.

I shakily brought my hands up to my face and sobbed into them. Why did things have to be like this? I know that good things don't last for long, and that they'll soon come to an end. So why did my heart feel like it was tearing itself apart? I sobbed some more, my emotions began to become too hard to control.

My sobs came to a quick halt as a bright yellow light appeared. Eren had transformed.
"DAMN YOU! YOU TRAITORS!" He said as voice quickly turned into an animalistic scream. Using all his might, he punched Reiner directly in the face straight into the wall.

Reiners grip upon me had tightened, obviously in a desperate attempt not to let go. However, Eren was making that harder for him, throwing another punch sending Reiner's face back into the wall.

Starting to get a little worried, I used what strength I had to hold onto Reiner's hand incase if he were to let go. But we then suddenly harshly collided with the ground, and within making contact Reiner had let go. My grip had slipped and I crashed onto the ground. I felt a snap within my arm and then felt it go limp.

I held back my tears as I looked at the slightly protruding bone coming out of my arm. I felt a little bit of bile make its way into my mouth, but I was able to hold it back and swallow it. For the first time in a while, I felt scared of death. Was it because I finally had people that I cared about?

I grabbed a nearby somewhat sturdy looking stick, I then took off what was left of my cape and used them to make a hand made sling. The urge to push the bone back in was strong, but I had remembered a time when a nurse back at base told me that only a trained professional should push a bone back in.

I shuddered at the new pain I was in. All I could do was watch as the two titans brawled it out.I didn't get to watch long as I felt a wave of exhaustion consume me, and my eyelids begin to get heavier. Memories of my life flashed before my eyes.

I remembered a point in time when my grandma was alive. We were baking a pie for our neighbors the Kirsteins. I was so happy then. Everything was great.

Why am I thinking about that at a time like this

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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