Class Reactions

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Alya was left dumbfounded after Marinette left. "So which one of you is Lila Rossi?" The class was met with a glare from Plagg Noir. Alya pushed Lila forward and Plagg's glare. "So you spread the lies about my daughter." 

He calmly walked forward and handed them a pile of papers. "That's for the kids. I also, have some for you." He handed Ms.Bustier a stack of papers and she gasped. "What?! I didn't do nothing." 

"Exactly. You knew all this was happening to my daughter but didn't do anything. You were an enabler. I will be transferring her to GA and your principal will be getting law suits filed against him as well." 

"And don't forget the rest of the law suits from the rest of us. The way you treated my niece was so un rock n' roll!" Jagged handed them a stack of papers and everybody started handing them papers. 

Lila was getting paler and paler by the second but inside she was burning with anger. She had been stopped by that goody 

Alya's career was ruined and she knew it. She felt guilty that she had believed Lila. But maybe if she apologized to Marinette she would be forgiven. She never held a grudge! (A/N: I swear this girl...) She would get her BFF back and she would get access to a bunch of connections!

The class was hating themselves with each stack of law suits that was being piled on them. They knew their parents were going to kill them. They were also wondering about everything they had given up when they believed Lila. 

They gave up the best person in the class. They believed her over someone who said they had a bunch of connections. But it was all a lie. They beat her for no reason. They said so many things to her. They caused her parents to get killled. 

In the end, Ms.Bustier had her teaching license revoked and spent 2 years in prison to pay of 1/4 of the money she owed. The class got all their electronics revoked. They all had to find jobs to pay off everything they owed as well as to pay back Marinette for all the free stuff she had given them because their parents refused to pay for them. 

Lila's mother sent her to a boarding school in Italy. She lived with her father and she got a job and was still working to pay off Marinette. Alya was soon homeschooled and had to be supervised on all electronics until her parents felt they could trust her. 

Yeah. It was not good for them. 

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