Welcome to Beacon Hills

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Hope boarded the bus fighting back tears, they remembered her.  But Landon was with Josie now, and she didn't want to be somewhere, where he didn't want to be with her.

Hope took her seat and looked out the window, when the bus started moving she finally let the tears fall.  For a moment Hope thought she saw Landon running after the bus, but she turned away from him not believing it was true.

Hope fell asleep for most of the ride, and when she woke up there was a forest passing by her window.  The bus slowly pulled to a stop.

"All right kid this is the end of the line," The driver said as Hope took in the green around her.

"It's a forest," Hope said looking out the window.

"There's a town five miles away from here," The driver said as Hope got up out of her seat and made her way to the front.

"What's it called?"

"Beacon Hills.  But there have been a few animal attacks lately so be careful," Hope nodded and she grabbed her bag and took a step off the bus.

The bus pulled away and Hope started her walk into town.

After about two hours, of walking Hope heard a car slowdown next to her.

Hope looked over to see an old blue jeep, the window rolled down revealing a brown haired boy with pale skin, a skinny frame, and whiskey brown eyes he looked about seventeen.

"Hey are you okay?" The boy asked.

"I'm fine just walking into town," Hope replied.

"That's another three hour walk," The boy said doubtfully.

The boy thought for a moment,"Hop in.  I can give you a ride into town."

Hope thought about his offer,"All right," She said getting in the jeep.

"I'm Stiles by the way," The boy said introducing himself.

"Hope," She replied.

"So what are you running away from?" Stiles asked catching her off guard.

"What?" Hope asked her eyes widening.

"Your eyes are a bit puffy from crying.  And there's no way you would come here of all places for a vacation," Stiles said.

Hope sighed,"Boyfriend left me for one of my best friend."

Stiles winced,"Yeah I've been there.  My ex-girlfriend went for my friend Scott.  It sucks."

"Yeah, it does," Hope said her eyes starting to tear up again.

They were silent for a while after that, and Hope saw the glittering lights of the town coming into view.

"Is there a preference of where you wanna go?" Stiles asked her.

"Is there a hotel somewhere?" Hope asked.

"Uhhhh . . . there's a motel famous for the most suicides in the country," Stiles said unsure, and he took a good look at Hope,"And there is no way in hell that your going there."

Stiles thought for a moment trying to think of a place,"I know a place you can stay for a while."

"Where?" Hope asked.

"My house has a spare room," Stiles said.

"Umm no offense but we just met," Hope said unsure,"Why are you inviting me to live with you?"

"You seem like you've been through a little to much, to be left alone," Stiles told her, and she knew he was right.

They soon pulled up to a one story house.

Stiles and Hope got out of the jeep, and Stiles took Hope's bag.

They walked into the house and Stiles led her to the spare bed room.

"So my dad is the sheriff, and he has a double shift tonight.  So he'll be back in the afternoon tomorrow."

Hope nodded in confirmation, as Stiles placed a neatly folded blankets on the bed.

"So the bathroom is the second door on the right and if you want to shower the towels are in the cupboard under the sink," Stiles informed her.

"Thanks.  Why are you helping me?" Hope asked curiously.

"I don't know.  I just trust you," Stiles said.

"You don't even know me."

"That's the part that's interesting," Stiles said smiling.

"Thank you," Hope said sticking her hand out for a shake.

Stiles took her hand and he felt electricity travel up his arm, he was slightly confused at it.

Hope felt a rush of warmth when their hands touched, goosebumps covered both of their hands.

"Uhh sleep well," Stiles said letting go of her hand.

'What the hell was that?' Hope thought as she stared down at her hand.

Meanwhile in Stiles' room his eyes unknowingly flashed blue.

(A/N) This is my first chapter I hope you like it.  Also if your walking alone in middle of the night, DO NOT TRUST STRANGERS.

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