Twisted Sister Catch-Up

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A/N- This was requested by RockerChick4Life. I do apologize for taking so long, I just hope that you'll enjoy your request & I wanna thank you for your request.  Also since AJ, Twisted Sister's drummer had passed away in 2015, this will be a dedication to him. 

Also a HUGE THANK YOU to Chanbien for your help. You rock girl. 

They Enter Parenthood

Dee Snider-One day, while on tour with her husband, Dee-Dee, Suzette had just received some wonderful news and that news was that she and Dee were going to be parents. Suzette had told the other wives, who were overjoyed to hear this news.  Since Twisted Sister was practicing for their big concert tonight, Suzette and the other wives went out shopping. When all the wives came back, Suzette went back to her and Dee's hotel room and made up a special box for him. 

As Dee got ready for the show, he saw the gift and when he opened it, he smiled and joyed for joy

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As Dee got ready for the show, he saw the gift and when he opened it, he smiled and joyed for joy. "GUYS! I'm going to be a dad!" Dee shouted to his bandmates, who congratulated the new parents.  (Time skip to the end of concert) 

"Did everyone have a great time tonight?!" Dee asked the crowd, who roared with applause.  "Well I've got some big news. My beautiful wife, Suzette and I had just found out that we are going to be parents!" He said as the crowd cheered louder.  "We thank you all and see you in nine months." Dee said as the band waved goodbye to the crowd. (Time skip to nine months later) 

On Suzette's due date, she went into labor. Dee drove to the hospital as fast as he could, but a police officer pulled him over. "Damn it."  "Do you know how fast you were-. You're Dee Snider of Twisted Sister, right?" "Yes officer and I'm trying to get my wife to the hospital."  "Don't worry Mr. Snider. I'll get you and your wife there in no time." The officer said as he lead them to the hospital.  "Thank you, sir."  Dee said as he took Suzette into the hospital. (Time skip) 

After a nine hour birth, Suzette and Dee welcomed a beautiful baby girl/boy, who they named y/n.  "Hi baby girl/boy. I'm your mommy and I'm so happy to finally meet you. And this big guy is your daddy." She cooed as she cried happy tears.   A little later, when your mommy fell asleep, your daddy was holding you, smiling happliy that he can finally meet you.  "My little girl/boy. Daddy's so happy to finally hold you in his arms and he can't wait to take you to your first concert, but right now let's get some sleep, for daddy and mommy had an exhausting day." He cooed as you fell asleep in his arms.  "Sweet dreams, my future little rock star." He said as he kissed your head before closing his eyes and drifted off to sleep with you in his arms. 

Jay Jay French-  On a hot summer's night, Jay Jay was at band practice with the band members of Twisted Sister, when he got a phone call from his second wife, Janice Brock.  "Janice? What's wrong?"  "Jay, I-I found a baby and it was alone, so I'm going to the hospital." She said as Jay grabbed his stuffed and rushed over to the hospital where his wife, Janice was going. 

Classic Rock & Roll Bands: Parent ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now