Part 21( A)

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Payal wanted to talk to Khushi after knowing her reasons to agree for the marriage. She has to talk to her before she confronts her parents.

Payal was worried for Khushi, Her happiness.

"Khushi how did they make you agree to this marriage ? Tell me the truth"

Khushi took a long breath and looked straight in Payal's eye and said

"You know how buaji and Amma make me do things. Don't you?"

Yes, Payal Knows the disgusting emotional blackmailing his buaji and amma was adept at .Every single time they used that.

"I am sorry Khushi .It was always for me you had to suffer. If not for me they wouldn't have forced you to drop your studies. If not for me you wouldn't have lost your savings. If not for me you wouldn't have been forced into this marriage."

"Its okay jiji. You don't have to feel guilty for any of this. You were never a part of this. They just needed to remind me every time that I am adopted. So it is okay. Never hold yourself guilty for others actions."How can she blame Payal for buaji's emotional blackmailing

"Are you happy in this relationship?"

"I don't know Jiji.I won't lie to you jiji in the beginning I don't feel secure here. I didn't feel I am wanted .Yes things are changing now. Arnavji is making efforts from his part now .I agree he has reasons for his actions but he didn't find it important to tell me .He didn't bother how I felt .No body cared how i may feel .It was like whole Raizadas at one side and me on the other side. I am done with people taking me for granted. People using me, Playing with my feelings.I am not going to tolerate this anymore ,who ever it may be." Khushi wiped the tears .

"I don't know how to console you Khushi when my Amma and buaji are the main cause for everything you went through. But trust me I will stand by you at any mode of your life."

"I know Jiji" After Sometime she asked" Jiji why is Raizada's unaware of me being an orphan"

"The day before Akash and family came to see me babuji warned Amma and buaji if they utter anything against you he will cut ties with them. He was done with them always using you and he being unaware about their actions." Khushi nodded. She expected that to be the reason. The only one who truly accepted her was babuji.

Nk was in his room having a packet of chips with head phones when he felt a presence near him


"How are you?"

"Good. You?"

Arnav noded.After a pause

"I am so sorry nannav. I just..."

"It's okay NK. I expected you to trust me with your choices but you hid it. But it is okay. I have let it go.Anyway now yo are back ."

"So you are no more angry with me?"



"I started to learn to let go of past and live in the present"

NK looked keenly at Arnav. Then touched his forehead and asked "Do you have fever. How did this miracle happened"

"When Khushi happened things changed" Arnav said soft smile

"Oh...You know Nannav. She is good for you. I really feel happy that the bride got changed.I instantly liked her the moment I saw her."

"I am happy too that the bride got changed.She is really the best that ever happened to me." Arnav answered sincerely

"You love her. Don't you?"

"Yes. I love her..."Then chuckled a little. "Even a fool like you could see that I love her but why can't she realize it."

"What happened" NK asked with curiosity. It's not every day his elder brother who immune to romance confess his love for a lady.

"I tried to show my love through actions as you know expressing things in words and me are like parallel lines. The first day when I held Khushi's hand while she gave me coffee ,she thought I was feeling dizzy thus needed support .She force fed me thinking I got my sugar levels down. Then I bought fragrant roses trying to be romantic and she sneezed continuously for five minute. I didn't know she had a sensitive nose and is allergic to synthetic rose fragrances. I  romatically caressed her hair but unfortunately my watch got tangled in her hair and ended up pulling it. She thinks I have fallen and banged my head somewhere" Arnav couldn't complete as NK busted out in laughter holding his stomach.

"Did she say you that?" NK asked in between his laugh

"No. She asked Akash did I fell somewhere that i am behaving weirdly"

"Nannav why don't you for a change confess it in words?"Nk said trying to control his laughter

"You know NK how  bad  i am with words. Khushi is not someone to fall for my charms or my affluence .Not only that I  pretty much messed up everything from the beginning of our relationship"

"What did you do Nannav?"

" I asked her to hide about our relationship from everyone. Then I forgot to pick her from railway station where she stood hours waiting for meand didn't even attend her calls . The worst i did was to never stop  Di when she was being mean to Khushi."

"Why will she do that?" NK frowned a little knowing his sisters behaviour

"Her egogot hurt when I married Khushi  and she is jealous and insecure. Isn't it enough for her to do things? We have pampered her rotten NK that now she thinks it is okay to misbehave with anyone she holds  grudges , who ever that may be."

" what do plan now.?you have to convey your feelings somehow at some point of time."

"I don't have any plan...for now wait for a perfect time to say her how i feel."

"Don't take too long nannav".

"hm .leave mine.. What about your girlfriend .where was she from... Syria? isn't it"

"You were keeping tabs on me" NK with a shocked face.

"Of course. Just because I was not talking to you doesn't mean I have no clue on what you were up to."

"Anyways we broke up. Now I am single ready to mingle" NK said joyfully

"And I will strangle....."Arnav assured with smirk.

"What's happening here ....having brothers time without me." Asked a voice from door.

"oh...we were just planning how to tell Payal bhabi your love story with Suman."

"Don't you dare...already she is mad at me for my stunt and had thrown me out of our room and anything more she will surely treat me with dish wash in my tea. You don't know her. She will be ma kali when she is angered."

"Really"Arnav was horrified knowing the after effect of angering Payal. He was thankful that even after his so many stunts Khushi hasn't done anything like that.

Like that brothers had some fun time after a long time .

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