Terrible Father

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"Quite the detective, aren't you?"

"So I'm sitting with a prince?"

"Kind of, though I don't plan on taking the throne," Danny sighed. Ever since he heard Jason's story, he had a question but he didn't want to sound stupid. Plus he still wasn't sure how comfortable Jason was with discussing his death. Jason ruffled Danny's hair, getting his attention.

"Just ask." Danny carefully worded his question to the best of his ability.

"You said the lazarus pit revived you," Danny observed Jason's body language for any signs of discomfort before continuing. "I'm half dead so what would happen if I were to bathe in it?"

"Not sure but nothing good. Trust me kid, you do not want to bathe in the lazarus pit. It changes you and not for the better." Danny nodded in response. He was merely curious. Would the pit kill him completely or would he be fully human? Danny felt nauseous even thinking of a world without his ghost half. "Dan-" Jason grabbed his guns, pulling Danny behind him as the window in the living room shut. Danny prepared for whatever danger awaited them. "Stay behind me." Danny chose not to reply but he was not a coward. He would not hide in the face of danger. Not anymore. The steps got closer and closer, stopping at the door.

"Jason! I can't believe you kidnapped Danny!" Both Jason and Danny relaxed at Mr. Grayson's voice. The said man was dressed in his Nightwing uniform. Danny had to admit, it looked way cooler in person than in the pictures but why did he not use the door? Was there perhaps a strange norm of entering through windows?

"Secret identities goldie?" Jason mocked him. Mr. Grayson glared at the man, pointing to the Red Hood gear left in plain sight. Mr. Grayson, for the third time since they met, embraced him in a bone crushing hug. Danny tensed at the familiar smell coming off of Mr. Grayson.

"Be glad Oracle deleted the footage from the surveillance cameras or else B would have your head." Jason snorted in response. Danny wasn't sure how to react or what to say so he decided to do nothing. The smell was faint but Danny was sure it was familiar and not in a good way. "How could you kidnap Danny?" Mr. Grayson surveyed whatever was left of the kitchen before turning back to Danny. "Please tell me you did not threaten him?"

"Aren't you suppose to be on your playdate-"

"I was on a mission Jason; oh and I'm fine. Thanks for asking." Mr. Grayson removed his mask.

"Wow. Who knew golden boy-" Mr. Grayson gave Jason the scariest glare Danny had ever seen, shutting him up. Mr. Grayson's eyes were blood red. Danny slowly moved away from the man, connecting the dots.

"Those idiots threw red powder in my face! The mask could only keep so much of it out." Mr. Grayson glanced at Danny's retreating form. "I didn't mean to scare you Danny-"

"That's blood blossom powder, isn't it?" His ghost half shivered at the memories of the unbearable pain it brought. Who did Mr. Grayson fight? Could it be, he was closer to his secret than he had thought?

"How did you know? I mean it took us -"

"I'm allergic; like I would die if you got it on me." As a ghost. Mr. Grayson walked out the room, Jason following behind him. Danny sighed in relief but that was only the immediate danger. It would not be long before Mr. Grayson connected the dots and then what? How would he react? Jason took it well - he did almost scare him to a complete death but - he took it well. However Jason had died and came back to life. He was like Danny but Mr. Grayson, How would he react?

"I'm so sorry Danny. I didn't know," Mr. Grayson returned with new clothes and a bath. Danny built up his courage. It was now or never.

"What was your mission?" Mr. Grayson rubbed his neck, shifting his weight from one leg to the other.

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