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          Huge thanks to everyone who made it this far in the series. Thanks to all my readers who stayed with me week to week even when I barely knew where I was going with this thing. Sometimes it was a struggle, but we made it.

         I can't believe I've officially written four books. And furthermore, my goal for this book was to consistently write one chapter a week until the end, and I made it! Previously I've been a bit more sporadic with the updates which would then push an easy twenty-five chapter book from a few months to a couple years to write. And those constant breaks and slowed down production would lose me readers and motivation. This is the first book that took me less than a year to write. In fact, it only took five months! And while I have a ton anxiety about that, mostly concerning quality dip because there was less overall time for editing, I think this is the better method overall. So next time I'll probably keep this same schedule.

          So, what next? Well, I'm on break as you can imagine. It'll be nice to devote down time to things other than writing. Like, reading, drawing, playing video games, etc. In the meantime, I'll be writing up the outline for Book 5.

          As usual: comment, question, and critique here if you like. If not thanks for reading, see you next time.

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