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Exposed (1)

“If that ain’t the truth, but isn’t that a bit too much? Anyway, it’s not going to be pretty.” Brother Ou had his own limits too.

Sun Lei, on the other side, waved at them, motioning for them to come over.

“Sun Lei is calling us, let’s go,” said Brother Ou.

The two of them walked over together and Sister Hui smiled. “Is there anything you need, Brother Sun?”

Sun Lei pointed to Su Yaya beside him and said, “Let me introduce you, this is our guest of the day, Su Yaya.” He also pointed towards Brother Ou and Sister Hui, introducing them. “These two are the excellent hosts of our crew.”

Su Ya had seen the information on these two hosts, so she greeted them with a smile. “Nice to meet you, Brother Ou, Sister Hui.”

“You’re very pretty, Miss Su. You’re a good match for our show.” Sister Hui laughed.

Sun Lei said, “Not only is she beautiful, she’s got some real skill in the kitchen too. You’ll be able to taste it in a while.”

Brother Ou didn’t try to burst his bubble. “Really? Then I’ll be looking forward to the show.”

Sister Hui echoed his sentiments. “Me too.”

Even though Su Yaya was still quite confident in her cooking skills, she still decided to be humble and smiled. “I hope you’ll like it, Brother Ou, Sister Hui. Please go easy on me when you rate my cooking later. I’ll try to do my best.”

After blowing each other’s whistles for a while, Su Yaya went into the dressing room to put on her makeup. She was the only female guest in this show as the other two guests were male. For her privacy, she was the only person in this dressing room, the other male guests were in another one.

By the time Su Yaya came out with her makeup done, the other guests were already waiting. One of them was the young male celebrity who was currently very popular, Chen Nuo, while the other was the well-known model, Xu Sheng. Xu Sheng was the champion in the last episode. The spicy fish he made was very delicious and the unanimous praise of all the guests and the audience.

The guests were in place, the hosts, the judges, the audience, and all the rest of the crew were in place as well. The show could finally begin.

Brother Ou read out the first advertiser’s script in front of the camera, then he announced the start of a new episode of “Beauty and Gourmet”.

Sister Hui continued, “We have three guests here today with us. We have the beautiful Su Yaya, the darling Chen Nuo, and the handsome model Xu Sheng with his long legs. Welcome, everybody!”

Whenever Sister Hui read out the name of a guest, the camera would move to their faces, and then the guest will wave to the camera in their most beautiful or handsome way, garnering warm applause from the audience.

Brother Ou announced as usual that they will first check to see what they were going to cook today.

Su Yaya, Chen Nuo, and Xu Sheng stood up and went to take their lots.

As for the results: Chen Nuo got first, Xu Sheng second, and Su Yaya was on third.

Sister Hui laughed at the side and joked, “Hey! Whatever happened to ladies first? Not even for a beautiful lady?”

Su Yaya aimed her best expression and her most perfect angle towards the camera, smiling sweetly. “They don’t have to let me go first, I’m still very confident in my own cooking skills. We should leave the best dishes for last.”

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