Chapter 22

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Welcome to Chapter 22 - thank you for the votes and reads on this story, thank you also for your patience while I reload this story - here is the next chapter, enjoy!!

Scott POV continued.

As I read the note aloud my heart sinks as I realised the words I am speaking and the gravity in what is meant by them.

Stiles and Thomas are in the Maze only ten walls away from where we are currently and we had only two nights to save just one of them.

"Hang on, are you saying we need to choose who we are going to save?" Sheriff asks his voice shaking at losing the prospect of losing one of his sons after just getting them both back together.

"Sounds like it but this doesn't make any sense. The last thing I remember is Tom been shot in the head and the only person who can bring him back is Stiles as he needs to use some of his special stuff." Newt stated and I chuckled as Newt says 'special stuff' instead of Spark power or serum.

"Newt, do you mean the Spark serum? If so that isn't a factor in the decision, when we were checking the medical hut for supplies earlier we located these." Mum advises pulling three vials out of her pocket which looked the same as what Stiles had given Mum when he brought Newt into the Hospital.

"So if we save Thomas then we can use the vial to bring him back to life and the he can help get us out of here like he did before. This seems like the right choice and if we think about it at Stiles can heal himself so can survive anything thrown at him." Minho points out and I can't believe what I am hearing.

"Wait are you saying just because Stiles can come back to life and has these powers we should just what leave him in the Maze to face certain death or worse to be captured by W.I.C.K.E.D again?" Dad states sounding quite annoyed at what has been suggested.

"No, we save them both. There has to be a way to save them both, neither of them would ever forgive us if we choose between them. Minho, just think without Stiles none of us would be alive again." Teresa states and I am surprised she was the one coming to Stiles's defence as Minho stood up and leaves the meeting room without a single word.

A few moments later he returns carrying several wooden slabs that look like a 3D jigsaw pieces. Once he was done arranging the pieces he steps back for us to see and I look down at a giant Maze with a small green patch in the middle.

"Now, if we are going to save them both we should all know what we are dealing with." Minho explains after he allows us all a chance to look before sending a smile in Teresa direction.

"Now from the note we have it advises they are located ten walls away from where we are currently. But as you can see we are surrounded by the Maze in all directions so this could be ten walls in any of these directions." Minho continued to explain while he points at the different sections.

"Now we know the Maze is broken down into eight sections, two sections can be entered only from either the North, South, West or East doors so we are going to have to split into teams. I would suggest a maximum of three per section with at least one Werewolf attached to each group as they would be able to track down the scents along with anyone else's if anyone decides to get lost." Minho finishes off.

"So when do the doors open and close as they are currently open at the moment." Sheriff advises but just as he finishes a large screech sound and rumble echo's through the Glade followed by a large slamming sound a few moments later.

"Now at Sunset and will open again at Sunrise so tonight we will decide who will head into the Maze to locate them while the others prepare for the escape." Gally advises and we all gather tightly around the map as Frypan passes out bowl of stew, I have to admit its better then Mums.

---------time skip to morning -----------

I woke up after a surprisingly good night sleep to the sound of screeching and screaming coming from inside the Maze itself.

The screams sound like they are coming from everywhere and sound like Stiles was making them but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't work out from what direction they are coming from.

"Stiles!" I shout into the air hoping if I shout loud enough he will be able to hear me and guide me to where he is currently.

I notice the screams have stopped and have been replaced by the sound of footsteps running towards me. I hadn't realised that I was now stood in front of the Maze doors on the North side of the Glade.

"Scott, are you okay sweetie?" Mum asks me as she places her hand on my shoulder.

"I heard Stiles screaming and as I shouted for him the screams stopped." I explain slightly surprised no one else had heard him scream.

"Scott, there were no screams. Are you feeling okay?" Dad asks me and I noticed a shared concerned look was present on everyone's face.

"I'm fine, I know what I heard. Once the doors open I want to run the North side please as I know this is where he is." I state hoping someone would believe me even if it was just to know I wasn't losing my mind.

"Scott, I will come with you. I may not have heard him but I just have this feeling like you are correct." Lydia advises stepping forward and grabbing my hand.

I squeezed her hand in thanks for trusting and believing me, we all walked towards the food hut before heading back to the main hut to gather supplies.

Lydia, myself and Minho are heading to the North opening with Derek, Gally and Sheriff heading towards the West opening, Liam, Dad and Newt heading towards the East opening with Theo, Chris and Teresa heading to the South opening.

We all stood and watch as the doors move open and for the first time and we finally saw the vast scale of the Maze along with the task in front of us.

I take a deep breathe before running into the Maze without any hesitation.

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!!

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