I. Stop Flirting With The First Years, Sky!

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act one: finding everything and nothing

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act one: finding everything and nothing.
▌chapter one . . .
stop flirting with the first years sky!

Being a second year now at Alfea College for Fairies wasn't all the awesomeness Magnolia thought it would be. She was supposed to be one of the mentor for one of the first years, Musa, a mind fairy.

"And what realm are you from?" Sky asked.

"California." The ginger haired girl replied.

"Oh, you're not from the Otherworld?"

"I'm not. If you really want your mind blown, three months ago, I didn't even know the Otherworld existed." The ginger chuckled.

"If you are lost, which I'm not saying you are, and you need help, which I'm not offering... This is the Specialist Hall." Sky points to the big building next to them. "Fairy Hall is that way."

"Oh, stop flirting with the first years, Sky." She says walking up to them. "I'm Magnolia, I'm a fairy."

"Really? What kind of fairy?"

"Um, is everything an option?" She chuckled.

"Magnolia likes to show off the she can do literally anything." Sky rolls his eyes.

"Oh, har-har, at least I'm not mansplaining to a first year."

"Quit perving on the First Years." A familiar voice says. "Hello, gorgeous." Riven said hugging her from behind and kissing her cheek.

"Boyfriend?" Bloom asked.

"No, Step Brother." She joked. "Kidding, yes, Riven is unfortunately my boyfriend."

"You're lucky to have me." Riven said kissing her cheek again.

"Riv, Mag, can you both just give me one second?" Sky says annoyed.

"Why? You gonna chase her?" I sarcastically smiled.

Sky turns his head slightly. "Nope."

The boys both begin to tackle each other and hug. "Have a nice summer, Mag?"

"Well, we can say that. Having to hide everything from my parents because they've go feral if they found out was not any easier than I hoped. Anyways, how was your summer. I heard about you and Stella?"

"I'm over it. Riven?"

"Well, with Mag being in the First World, it was so fucking boring."

"He kept busy, I bet."

"I haven't cheated on you." Riven rolled his eyes.

"I wasn't even going there."

"You always want to start shit, Mags."

"Whatever, I have to go get my student." She walks away.

"Why do you always fuck shit up with her?" Sky asked. "Magnolia isn't such a bad girlfriend. She changed you.. I would say for the better but kind of."

"She's the one always starting shit. Loves to think I'm cheating on her, like fuck. I love that she gets jealous but I fucking hate the arguments. The Make-Up Shag is great though."

"You're disgusting, Riven."

Magnolia sees a girl with headphones. "Musa?" She asks.

"Oh, you must be Magnolia, right?" Musa says shaking her hand.

"Yes, hi, so Miss Dowling has assigned me to be your mentor, so I'll be showing you around. Start thinking of Alfea as your new home."

She told Magnolia what suite she was in, and ironically they were in the same one. She was put with first years because of how... "advanced" she was.

"How was your flight?" A woman asked.

"Good! You know, long."

"Well, the room looks nice." A man said.

"Stel, who is that?" Magnolia asked.

"That is Bloom, she's new to Alfea."

She sighs and her mind goes straight to Ricki. "Stel, people are gonna be asking questions, Musa asked why everyone was staring, I'm losing my powers."

"We don't say a word, you know this Lia, not a word. Both of our mothers will have our heads, do you understand?" She nodded. "Besides, it'll be fun sharing a room, don't you think?"

"Stella, you're my best mate but after what happened with Ricki-"

"Nothing happened. We blinded her. That's all."

"Stel, you know what really happened."

"Yes, we do."

She sighed. "I lied to my mum. I lied to my dad. You know I don't lie to them. I lied to Riven because of you."

She turned to the door. "Yes. And now it's done with." Stella grabbed a dress and looked at the mirror. "May I help you?" She said to Bloom.

"Oh, no, I just wanted to introduce myself to your friend, since we're all gonna be suite mates, I'm-"

"Bloom, yes, you were the girl-" Magnolia paused before she continued that sentence. "The girl I met earlier... I introduced myself to you."

"Yeah, um, are you changing?"

"I am." Stella said dryly.

"I thought the orientation party was a casual thing." Bloom said curiously.

"It is." Stella asked almost annoyed.

"So, a casual thing that you're changing for?" Bloom asked.

"People have seen her in that outfit already. They'll expect something different." Mag respond.

"People expect you to wear multiple outfits a day?"

"People expect to care how I look." Stella replied and snapped her fingers so her orb could appear. "Something else?"

"That light, that's... magic. How exactly do you-"

"Listen, we're mentors, not tutors." She says.

Bloom had a defeated look on her face. "Look, this is something you'll learn on your first day in class, but fairy magic is linked to emotion. It could be good thoughts, could be bad. Love. Hatred. Fear. The stronger the emotion, the stronger the magic." Stella explains.

"So do you..." Bloom chuckled. "...Do you hate me or do you fear me?" Stella looked at Bloom confused. "You were just looking at me when you did the... spell. I'm pretty sure you don't love me, so..."

"Well, I don't know you." Stella laughs and snaps her fingers causing the orb to disappear. "But I'm sure once I do, I'll find... something to love." She continues walking out.

Magnolia gets up and go up to Bloom. "I wouldn't take it personally, she's not the most friendly of people."

"Shared space, Terra." One thing about Magnolia is her eyes turn white when she uses one of her powers. She was trying to see what Stella was feeling, she felt annoyed. "Everyone loved The Secret Garden because it was a secret." Stella said.

"Actually, that's not quite the message of The Secret Garden. If anything, it's a story about how when thing are kept private their benefits aren't fully appreciated." Terra said causing Stella to glare at her. "Okay." Terra said grabbing a plant and taking it to her room.

"Stel, you're having fun, I understand, but we're all suite mates. Learn to actually be nice. Yes, maybe after Ricki..."

"After Ricki nothing!"

"Stel, you can't just not talk about it and pretend nothing happened-"

"We're not having this argument again! Jus act normal, we can avoid all the drama if we ignore it."

Magnolia didn't want to argue with Stella, especially knowing what she's capable of.

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