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in which blue and green live in pure bliss

in which blue and green live in pure bliss

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TWO WEEKS HAD GONE BY SINCE DIANA and Harry's almost kiss, and Harry found himself in a constant state of pure bliss, despite the closeness of the first task, and his 'rocky' friendship with Ron Weasley, as the ginger had been adamantly ignoring Harry, refusing to believe the green eyed boy didn't put his name in the goblet.

Harry has spent nearly all his free time with Diana, their friendship slowly blossoming into something more, as they consistently spent time in each others company. More often than not you could find Diana sitting at the Gryffindor table with Harry, or Harry at the Ravenclaw table with Diana and the other Beauxbatons students.

Even now the two were together, the pair sitting under a large tree near the black late, blissfully ignoring the crisp fall air, in favor of drinking in the sight of Hogwarts during Autumn, before the snow arrived depriving the trees of their golden leaves, and covering the grounds with fresh powder. Covering the beauty that was Hogwarts during the fall.

Though even now as Harry sat next to Diana, her head resting on his shoulder, one of his old Christmas jumpers from Molly Weasley adorning her small frame, as she jotted down notes on a piece of parchment to help him and Fleur for the first task. Harry found his mind wandering back to what Hermione had told him, that that day in the library after his almost kiss with Diana.
"Harry I think you should read this, it's about you and Diana." Hermione said bitting her lip, a nervous habit she only did when anxious, or worried.

"Hermione what are you-" Harry began only for Hermione to cut him off.

"Harry, don't you think it's.. I don't know strange, that you had a mark on your cheek in the exact spot Diana touched you? And that Diana had the exact same mark on her hand?"
Hermione questioned

"Well I never really thought about it..." Harry trailed off

"And the way you look at each other! Don't give me that look Harry, I'm not daft. I see the way you two make eye contact, the way you both get this dazed look in your eyes and tune out everything except for each other! Harry that's not normal behavior." Hermione said earnestly.

"Mione I really think you're reading into this too much." Harry sighed at his friend, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Hermione rolled her eyes at Harry, before opening her book to a marked page. Harry just listen to this. "Soulmates. Soulmates are a rarity that few witches and wizards are blessed with. According to Magda Loughty, a Bulgarian witch who dedicated her life to the study of soulmates. States in her book 'A Fickle Thing Called Love;The Study Of Soulmates'. That "Those who have soulmates live unknowingly without a quarter of their soul, until meeting their said soulmate. Upon a pair of soulmates first meeting, it is expected that the couple will feel immense and unexplainable attraction towards each other, along with the odd sensation of suddenly feeling whole and complete. This sensation is attributed to the missing void in their soul being filled upon meeting their soulmate. Their are many ways to identify a soulmate, the most prominent method of identification being the lovers mark. When a pair of soulmates make physical contact for the first time, a light pink mark will appear in the said spot the soulmate touches. The lovers mark fades over time, only completely disappearing when a pair of soulmates become one. (Magda Loughty 'A Fickle Thing Called Love-The Study Of Soulmates pg 111)

Hermione closed the book looking back up at Harry.

"Hermione you don't actually think Ana- Diana and I are soulmates do you? I mean honestly what are the odds, besides you read the book! Soulmates are extremely rare!"
Harry ran a hand through his hair giving Hermione an odd look, because there was no way he and Ana were soulmates.

"Harry I do! I mean it just all adds up! The mark on your cheek and her hand could be the lovers mark, and the way you're so attracted to her after only just meeting... It all just makes sense!" Hermione's honey eyes were wide, trying to get Harry to understand where she was coming from.

"Hermione I just... Do you really think so?" Harry tried not to get his hopes up, for the whole thing was extremely unlikely.

"Harry I think it's a big possibility..."

Harry shook his head, bringing himself back to the present. As much as he wanted to believe his bushy haired friend, the whole thing just seemed so unlikely. Having a soulmate itself was rare, but Diana being his soulmate... the whole thing just seemed too good to be true.

"Hey Har?" Diana tapped Harry on the shoulder.

"Hmm?" Harry looked down at Diana, pushing his thoughts to the side.

"Have you decided how you're going to beat the dragon yet?" Diana looked up at Harry with concern.

"Well not exactly, I mean I've read through the notes you've given me, but I'm still not sure. I think I might just wing it at this point." Harry chuckled, trying to find humor in the bleak situation.

"Harry you can't just wing it!" Diana lightly slapped Harry on the arm. "This is why you're not a Ravenclaw, I mean honestly, winging a fight against a dragon! Are you that thick?"

"You wound me Ana, truly!" Harry put a hand over his heart, feigning heartbreak.

"Oh shut up Har! This is serious!"Diana slapped the boy upside the head at his cocky expression, the two unknowingly reminding a particular Transfiguration professor and headmaster of two certain couples, both of which had carved their initials into the very tree the the fourteen year olds were leaning against.

"They're just like their parents aren't they?" Minerva Mcgonagall spoke up, turning to Dumbledore, the two professors watching the pair from the Transfiguration window.

"Yes... they do quite remind me of James and Lily..." Dumbledore trailed off with a slight smile

"And Sirius and Éloise..." Mcgonagall and Dumbledore exchanged a sad smile, their hearts heavy with nostalgia.

"It may be un professional of me to do so, but for old times sake I say 5 galleons they're together by Spring." Dumbledore began, his eyes twinkling behind his half moon spectacles.

"Please, if the both of them are anything like their parents they wont be together until halfway through their fifth year." Mcgonagall smiled, thinking back to when they had made the very same bet, in the very same classroom, over two couples sitting by the very same tree.

"Ah, it's a deal. But do tell me Minerva, what makes you think Diana will be here for her fifth year, she is only here for the tournament after all." Dumbledore said not taking his eyes of the teenagers, who were now chasing each other across the courtyard.

"I just have a feeling."

authors note!don't forget to vote and comment please don't be a silent reader! also,,,, lots of foreshadowing this chapter! this is a bit of a filler chapter but it was necessary to set some things up for ootp, and to set the plot in motion! also ...

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authors note!
don't forget to vote and comment please don't be a silent reader! also,,,, lots of foreshadowing this chapter! this is a bit of a filler chapter but it was necessary to set some things up for ootp, and to set the plot in motion! also who do you guys think éloise is i want to hear your guys theories! but lily if  you comment anything i'm gonna block you on everything because i literally told you half the plot so shh. also we're gonna be seeing some more ben and fleur next chapter so get readyy!

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