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Tae has been really Disturbed after that day he was scared all the time yes they didn't do anything with him. But still if someone gonna kidnap you how will be you feeling scared traumatize yeah thats how he was feeling right now thats why jungkook wanna distract him by taking him on a trip

First Tae don't wanna go there but after jungkook promise he will gonna stay by his side all the time Tae agreed

They are now packing their stuff jungkook didn't tell Tae were he gonna take him because he wanna surprise him

" pup are you done packing " jungkook ask Tae who was sitting on the bed and playing with tata

" yes kookie " Tae answer cheerfully

" so bub let's sleep we had a early morning flight tomorrow " jungkook said while rubbing his thumb on Taes cheeks

"No kookie I am not sleepy " Tae whine " but you have sleep baby otherwise you wouldn't able to get up early " jungkook said softly " no I will able to get up but no sleep now its really early " Tae said cutely " OK pup but remember you can't whine when I woke you up on the morning " jungkook said strictly " OK promise " Tae said

Morning comes and it's really hard for jungkook to wake Tae up who is still sleepy and whiny jungkook has to dress him up because Tae fell asleep when he left him to shower so he has to dress him up after Tae come out from shower all sleepy

" baby are you sure you able to walk by yourself or do you want me to Carry you " jungkook ask Tae didn't reply but he put his hands up all sleepy jungkook got his answer by this so he quickly pick Tae up like a baby

Tae nuzzle his head in jungkook neck feeling comfortable and fell asleep again jungkook just smile softly and Carry him to the car he set at the back sit with Tae on his lap sleeping the ride is silent only filled with Taes soft breathing noise

They safely arrived at airport Tae was still sleeping so jungkook carry him to their private jet

Tae woke up By sun rays hitting his face he rub his eye and look around and he was not in their house he panicked he was about to got up from bed but stop when he heard the bathroom door open

"Good afternoon baby " jungkook said and kiss Taes lips Tae was confused did he sleep that long "are you hungry " jungkook asked Tae nods his head " OK then get up " " but were are we did we landed that soon " Tae question

" baby we land more than a hour ago and you sleep whole flight " jungkook said " but I wanna see the sky from pl...a..n..e" Tae said while his eye got teary jungkook was Now feeling guilty for not wake Tae up when they were in plane because he remember who Tae was excited to ride plane for the first time

" baby I am so sorry I try to wake you up but you didn't please don't be sad " jungkook said hugging Tae " its OK " Tae said while sniffing jungkook kiss Taes cheek and said sorry again Tae didn't say anything he just get up from the bed and go to the bathroom

Jungkook know that his baby is upset so he was thinking who he can cheer Tae up

Tae come out from bathroom with a gloomy face jungkook didn't said anything just Gide him towards the door when they go out Tae was so shocked and excited all over again " wow its so beautiful where are we ?" Tae asked jungkook excitedly " we are at my private island

" so no people will be here " Tae said with a small pout " no baby I used it as a tourist's spot so there will be people but less " jungkook said

he know Tae is a social butterfly so he bring him to this island or else he would have bring him to other island were people are not allowed

Taes sad pout was gone when he heard that he started to running towards the beach were few children's are playing

blue and grey ( Taekook )Where stories live. Discover now