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Welcome to the PrideReads FAQ Book!

In this book, we will post all of the questions we are asked over and over again. Anything that you want to know about us and our community will be in this book and, if it isn't, everyone has a designated space to ask us whatever they want to know!

We will section the questions out based on their topic so please refer to the correct chapter if you are looking for something we might have already answered. If you don't find the answer to your question here, drop a question in our "Postbox" chapter or head over to our discord and use our FAQ forums there!

If you're feeling a little shy and would rather keep your question private, feel free to pm our admin plutointhestars who is always open to questions! Just make sure to specify that it is a question about our community. We also have a private help desk in our discord server which is always open for anyone to use if they wish to do so.

 We also have a private help desk in our discord server which is always open for anyone to use if they wish to do so

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