chapter 33

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Dhruv's POV:

I released a tired sigh while closing a document after signing it as Ravi entered my office after knocking on the door and getting my permission.

"Sir, I just received a call from the CEO's secretary of Shine Corps. She informed me about the visit of the head designer of the project that we have recently signed with them. So I came to inform you about it as I have yet to reply to her."

I nodded at his information and replied."Notify me once that person has arrived. Also, ask our designer to meet me along with that person."

After assigning some more tasks, I dismissed him and got engaged in reading the details of the upcoming project.

When I was so engrossed in looking into the details, my intercom buzzed and Ravi informed me about their arrival. I mumbled an okay as I asked him to show them to my office.

Standing up, I stretched out my limbs and walked near to the glass wall of my office to get a view of the bustling city. When I heard the knock and clicking sound of the door. I turned around to get back to my place but stood rooted on the spot once I caught the sight of the person in front of me.

Masking the surprise, I gestured her to sit along with the designer of my company. After having nearly an hour of discussion about the terms, details, and every other thing, I asked my company's designer to leave.

Once she left, I glanced at the person who was sitting in front of me with her head down. I knocked on the table with my fingers to make her look at me.

"How come you are here?" I asked her the question that I had been itching to ask since the moment I saw her in my office.

"I am sorry. I recently started working for Shine Corps. Believe me, I wasn't aware of the fact that it was with your company which my company had a collaboration. I was just informed to meet the CEO. I didn't get time to look into the details as it was pretty much rushed up. I only came to know, it was indeed your company once I was in front of it." She completed her lengthy explanation in a guilty tone as I placed a water glass in front of her.

She gulped the water hurriedly and dabbed her mouth with the back of the sleeve as I shook my head at her tensed behavior.

"I didn't ask you to explain the whole thing. Anyways, I am quite happy to know that you started doing what you have truly loved. How is your health? No problems..right?" I asked her in a casual tone once she eased up a little and smiled at me.

"Now my life has been going really well. My whole focus is on my baby now. I have to work hard and live well for my baby and I will." She answered me with a tinge of determination in her tone and I nodded at her in satisfaction.

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