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Alexandra POV

I got off my bike and took my helmet off shaking and patting my head to fix up my hair. I turned around to be met with my supposed family staring at me in awe and admiration.

Have they never seen a girl on a motorbike before?!

They called for me to come to them saying that they wanted to talk. They could be murderer's for all I know. They probably wanted me to go to them so they could sell me off to the black market or something.

I rolled my eyes and made my way inside trying to ignore them. Well let me tell ya that obviously didnt work,  I LOST MY FLIPPING KEYS!


Just great.

Hayley was at the library doing a project so I would have to wait for her to come back and open the door.

Now I have no choice but to turn around and face the serial killers and risk being sold off to the black market. Aren't I just lucky. 

I turned around and smashed my face into a wall.

Wait wall? There was no wall on my driveway.

I stepped back to be met with a tall man staring down at me as I glared up at him.

"Wow you look even more beautiful up close."

Well that wasn't creepy at all.

Especially with the fact that I have no idea who this person is. Although he seems like less of a serial killer than the others so it wouldn't hurt to share a few words.

"Umm thank you? What are you doing here? How do you know where i live?"

Another man stepped forward and I took another step back. This man was the embodiment of a serial killer. You could smell the dangerous vibes from him. He bent down in front of me to match my height.

For some reason, all I wanted to do was jump into his arms and hug him and have him tell me all of my problems will go away and I'll be safe.

You have no idea who this man is control yourself woman.

Don't let your walls down.

Don't let them in.

Someone like you doesn't deserve his love.

I put on my cold expression and the man looked at me with hurt in his eyes. I didn't want to hurt him, but I couldn't let him in either, it was easier this way, for everyone.

"Tesoro, I am your father and these are your brothers, we've been looking for you for 15 years, and we've finally found you. Please talk to us princessa." He looked at me pleadingly.

You don't deserve them.

They don't want someone as broken as you.

It's a lie, you don't have any family.

You were made to be alone.

"I told you, you are not my family." I said emotionless.

The man sighed and unfolded a letter that was in his hands and gave it to me. "I thought you'd say that so I got a DNA test done."

I raised my eyebrow and hesitated. Now I was not dumb, of course I knew that this was my family, I was the spitting image of my father in front of me. I just didn't want it to be true because if it was true then it would bring questions like Why I wasn't good enough for them? Why did they send me away? Why did they keep my brothers and not me? Would they hurt me? Did they even love me?

I cleared my throat and looked down at the paper in front of me and sure enough, everything he said was true.

I didn't know how to react what to think. I had a family. One that actually wanted me. Should I go with them?

I looked back up at the tear stained face of my father. I wanted to show him I cared. I wanted him to know that I did love him even if he sent me away. I grabbed his hand in mine and looked down afraid to meet his eyes for I knew if I did, I would probably not be able to stop myself from crying.

He grabbed my hand in his and got up still looking at me as I put my head down. He took a breath before speaking.

"Princessa, I don't want to force you, you look happy here, but do you want to come and live with your brothers and me."

That's all I've ever wanted.

I nodded my head and looked up at the huge smile forming on his face. I couldn't help myself from giving him one back before looking back down.

I looked over to my brothers and they all had genuine smiles on their faces too. I saw something shining in the corner of my eye next to my bike. Well what do you know it was my keys. They most likely came out of my pocket when I was getting off my bike. To think that if they hadn't fallen in the first place, I wouldn't be here in this position now.

I went to retrieve them but one of my brothers beat me to it and put them in my hands. I gave him a slight nod before making my way to my front door and opening it. I stopped and turned around to my family all still standing in the same spot, their eyes on me.

"You can come in." I didn't stop to see their reaction before I made my way inside and sat on the sofa. One by one they all came piling in and joined me.

I had 2 of my brothers sitting either side of me and me in the middle. I took this time to analyse them. The one closest to me on the right looked like the oldest. He was staring down at me analysing me too. Damn he looks intense. I shall call him 'serious' brother.

The man next to him looked much more relaxed and playful. I remembered him to be the one that called me beautiful. He gave me a nice vibe. He's definately the 'motherly' one of the group.

Next on my left was a mean looking lad. He was almost glaring at me intensely. I was confused and hurt but didn't show it. He was definately 'angry' brother.

And last but not least was the nice brother who had given me my keys. He made me feel loved and gave me a nice vibe. He was definately the 'shy' one out of all of them.

I turned to my father. "So when do you want me moving in?"
He smiled "Whenever you feel comfortable tesoro, we don't want to overwhelm you we know it must be a lot to take in."

I sighed in relief. "Well how does Tommorow sound?"
My father grinned and 'motherly' brother jumped and squealed with joy. My other brothers smiled showing their pearly white teeth.

"That's amazing sweetheart I am so happy to hear that. Well we should leave you to pack and get some rest. I'll notify your teachers so you can move school."

"Wait I'm moving school, where do you guys live?"
I thought they would live in the rich ends of town and not far enough to move school. Uugh I should have gotten more info before I agreed to this. Oh well most of them seem nice excluding 'angry' on my left here. Even 'serious' doesn't look that bad. 

"Well sorella, we live in New York" said 'serious'.

Well shit.

To put that into perspective, I live in California, and I thought they lived close by but no they live over 5 hours away by plane. Just my luck.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the door banging open and someone entering the house.


2 uploads in one day! I think so!!
Once again thank you for reading and have a gr8 day/night

Bye lovelies ♡

K xx

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