25. Jelli Jelli !!

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Dev's POV

We both looked at each other...
And said together....
"You It's are too looking revealing Beautiful Rits !!!" (bold ones are said by our DEV and other words are of Vaibhav)

Vaibhav glared at me so did others ... except her she was sad!!

Mom and Vaibhav along with Nitya took me in the corner....
"You were not supposed to say that???", Vaibhav said making a straight angry face

"You duffer how can you say that???", Mom said landing a smack over my head....

I said whatever was in my mind , "But that's too revealing....her whole milky white back can be seen....I don't want others to ogle at my wife!!!"

"Then why don't you select a baggy hoodie for her....", said Nitya huffing and going from there to the side where bhabhi was standing with Rits and saying something to her....

"Hey... that's not what I meant!!!" I tried to reason out my thoughts....while mom walked away from that place and took all the girls with her towards the car....

"Then what is the meaning??you spoiled out the entire mood of the evening bro!!!", Vaibhav said crossing his hands over his chest.....

"Look at Bhabhi and her....they both are looking beautiful....
You are allowed to introduce her as your wife and has also marked her with a love bite ... And here I will not be able to say anything to her....
And I don't want anyone to persue her for Relationship....", I blurted out everything in front of him....

"Do you think she will go???"

"Yaa she will cause she never even liked me .... She loves her that Friend from Air Force...."

"You are completely sick do you know that....you are a complete maniac and also don't knoiw what is going on and what are the words that this dirty and foul mouth of yours blurting out.. Now go and apologize ...."

I went and said sorry and left for the venue....

I was pissed as no one understood my reason and only scolded me !!!

Now you all say .... did I say anything wrong ???? she is my wife yet I am not allowed to introduce her as one to others....

Ok I know what to do now....if they don't want me to act like her husband so be it !!! I was also known as the biggest flirt in the college life....

I entered with others through the gate amongst the paparazzi !!

The faint music of
Tightrope by Zayn Malik
was played on loop!!!❤️

I was called by dad to introduce myself to some of his friends and other business delicates..."Dev don't do anything stupid I came to know what you did in home ... wait for sometime I will allow you to open up the relationship you are having in right time...."

"who said I want to make it public??And which relationship you are talking about dad??", I said a bit louder gaining others attention standing beside us....

"N..N..Nothing son!!"

I walked past him.... Its the showtime now....

I was walking behind Vaibhav with Suzan and Arun while he was walking in front of me with hands in hand of Swati while Rits was walking beside her !!! We met almost all the guests....

I was getting angry and veins were easily popped out on my head....

"Would you like to join for a drink ??", I asked Arun

The Unexpected Beautiful Relationship [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now