Chapter 5

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*The events that happen in chapters like this will never be too definitive or vulgar, but these are issues that still happen to this day unfortunately and it is never okay! If you wish to not read it, skip over the parts in italics.

I was being dragged through the hallways of the Vinco institution, trying to prevent what I knew was coming, but my powers were dimmed, whatever they injected in my body was already taking effect and within minutes, I knew my muscles would go slack.

"Why do you even try, Milli? You already know what's about to happen. If you just listened to your instructions, you wouldn't have to go through this?" The guard told me, eager to get to the room where I was to be raped, again.

It happens a lot, not only to me but to most of the girls here. The guards, the RA's, they are all relentless, disgusting pigs that have urges to do what they please with us. We could fight back, but we don't. We don't only because we want to protect the children. They didn't deserve this, but a few of them have endured what I am about to. I didn't know how, but I knew these children were different, not because they're aeteri, but something else, something secret, something we all were aware of, I just couldn't reach that part of my mind.

Whenever we see one of the guards eyeing up a child with their sinister, sinful gazes, we intervene, doing anything we can to get into trouble, to take their place so they don't have to go through this, none of it is okay, but I'd rather it be me than a little girl. I should watch out for myself alone, but I can't.

It wasn't long before we reached the all too familiar room, a few other women already inside crouched in the corner, trembling. They've already endured the pain, now forced to watch as I must do my part, accepting the same fate as them.

My slump body was thrown onto the bed and my clothes were ripped off in an instant, the men smirking, their lower regions wanting and ready to have what isn't theirs but I keep a stoic face, making it known that they will never see my pain.

I took my mind to another place while their bodies moved on top of mine, the motion of it all making me sick, but I took it. They weren't gentle, ever, but they'll never know how much it hurts me, how much they make me sick.

Being pinned down like this, abused in this way is humiliating. The occasional grunt or whimper leaves my mouth but my face remains still, the glare evident while they did what they wanted and when they finished, they deposited us back into our own rooms, warning us to behave as usual, but as long as they continue to threaten the children, we will never relent. We will always fight back, no matter how long it takes, we will always protect them. . .


I know this voice, but I can't remember who it belongs to. My eyes open wide and I sit up, pushing the figure away from me with all my might, but he didn't budge. I backed away, falling from the bed and up against the wall, panting.

"Millicent, it's okay, it's me."

The light suddenly turned on and I winced, looking up into the worried eyes of Sterling. Sterling, a wolf, my mate. . . no, not my mate, my nothing. I don't like him, I don't need him.

"W-what are you doing in here? What were you trying to do?" I asked in an accusatory voice, my body slightly shaking.

He put his hands up in a surrender stance, "I wasn't trying to do anything, I promise. I heard you whimpering in your sleep and I had to check on you. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I snapped, standing up on shaky legs, the memory of my nightmare gave me the same feelings as if I was actually back there on Vinco, going through the sexual abuse all over again. I closed my eyes, attempting to clear my head.

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