Chapter 2- the gate

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The man had his fist through the newly painted door, and he was still banging through the glass panel that was keeping them out. Ronnie was standing there with a guilt stricken look on his face, staring at what was about to happen. He did love you like a daughter, taking care of you along with many others in the long-abandoned neighborhood, but business was doing absolutely terribly for him, and although he hated to do it, the "men in black" would pay him to rat out you...

The last woman

After about a minute of the men banging on the door, you had thought they gave up, but they just came back in full force.

"STOP STOP ILL OPEN THE DOOR!" You screamed at them, fear showing clearly in your voice. Tears cascaded down your cheeks as you Unlocked the door, and pulled it open. The two men acted immediately, ignoring the presence of Ronnie and latching themselves onto both of your arms. Digging into your skin and causing you to wince out, you looked in betrayal at Ronnie

"R-Ron? What d-did you do?" You managed to say through the uncontrollable sobs coming out of your mouth, Ronnie just sent a sympathetic glance your way, already regretting his decision.

"I'm sorry y/n, I had too." He spoke, and watched as they cuffed your hands together, and dragged you down the road, to the gate. He trailed slowly behind.

"WAIT PLEASE DONT, I PROMISE IM NOT-"you started, but not before one of the men could interrupt your tearful sentence.

"Heard it a million times before, sorry, but your sacrifice could save us all, keep this in mind, if you run we will restrain you further" he shushed you, the man was surprisingly strong, and held your arms tight. While the other one started opening the gate. with a screeching sound, the barb wire gate forced itself open, you took one last look at your so called "friend", before being shoved out into the darkness of the streets.

"Wait, please don't leave me out here, DONT GO, PLEASE" you yelled as you watched the figures turn away from the gate, although you sounded pathetic, you were grasping into any hope you could find, but that immediately got crushed when Ronnie gave you one last look before turning away and disappearing behind the buildings, leaving you to cry and struggl against the restraints. Unknowing to the few watching in awe, they had finally found you.

And you were theirs for the taking.

About 3 minutes had passed by,  ns you finally were able to release your hands from the handcuffs. Being late at night,  it was hard to see anything, plus the lack of streetlights, you could barely make out a person even if they were two feet away.

"Should we grab her now?"

"Shut up dumbass, wait a little"

"I agree"

A small conversation between a few (unknown) commenced , whispering so that you couldn't hear them, none wanted to alarm you and have you run away.

"She's small isn't she, wonder if her parents are with us?"

"I think that she is a l/n, remember? They never shut up about there daughter, I can quite understand why now though. We should just take her now, she can't just roam around, all alone right now, who knows what's out there!" One answered in a raspy tone, staring at you fiddling with the cuffs.

"Let her be free for a bit, we're here to protect her,  she'll be fine"

None of them wanted anything more at the moment then to run up and hug your crying body close to them, but you were already unstable, and a random figure approaching you in the dark would just scare you more, you seemed young to many of them.


Your sobs had slowly gotten quieter as you realized the seriousness of the situation, you were stuck outside the gate, in pajamas, with no weapons, and no way to fight back if something were to grab you. You couldn't believe that Ronnie would betray you like that,  he had been one of your only real close friends here, but he- he ratted you out. Why would he do that?

"I haven't been through the city in forever, I don't even think I remember where to go... we'll make the best of it I guess." You muttered to yourself, and started to walk (completely barefooted) down the long and dark street. Shivers erupted down your back as you did so.

You had always been afraid of the dark, it scared you that anything could be out there, but because you wouldn't be able to see it, you couldn't protect yourself. But this was different, yes you were on edge because of the pitch black darkness, but you know that feeling you get as if you're being watched? That is what this felt like,  it was different than the anxiety that came with the dark, and it didn't feel nice. AT ALL.

You noticed things rutiling or small noises that if you hadn't been looking for, you wouldn't have heard i. This continued on, with you ignoring it and saying it was a squirrel, until you heard footsteps, loud footsteps, that was definitely not a squirrel.

"HELLO! I KNOW THERES SOMEONE OUT THERE!" You yelled through the wide street, minor a dumb move for a zombie apocalypse, but you had heard the scientist speaking about the "zombie" things, and they said that the creatures won't attack unless you do first, so hopefully thy could be civil with you.


"She heard us, do we get her now?"

"Yes, who want to?"

"Move it bitches, I want my Daisy first"

Another silent conversation between the other species, many sent glares toward the man who called you "his", who the heck does he think he is? This was no where near fair, but they couldn't exactly express it, due to the whole "quiet so we don't alarm our one and only true love" thing.

The "man" spread towards you, not making a single sound, running so widely you probably wouldn't be able to see him. Once he was close enough to you, he lost control, your scent filled his nose, intoxicating him. Leading him to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling your squirming body close to him, he was very much enjoying himself.

You... on the other hand, we're not. All of a sudden two arms wrapped around your clothed torso, squeezing you against the strangers chest. You screamed and writhed, scratching at his hands and kicking this persons knees, the stranger was at least 6'0, so your attempts at escape from the brawny man didn't go so well.

You grabbed one of his hands, trying to push his arm away from you, that's when you realized.

His arm was ice cold, not emoting any heat.


Little shoutout to @xuan_florence for asking me to update, right now I'm making an updating schedule so I can pace myself.

Just know that this story will be updated at least once a week.

Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes

Have a fabulous day, byyyeeee!!


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