Chapter 26| AYA

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"Who is Courtney Cid?"

Though I already have an idea, I need to ask him point-blank. I wanted to hear it from him. There is no way Cid is leaving for New York without giving me all the essential details about this Courtney. If there is one thing I learned to have a relationship with the Cid Waldon is to get the facts straight from himself before seeing or hearing anything about it from the media. And for my sanity, I don't want to be blindsided about anything.

"Do you trust me?" Cid held my hand closer to his lips. "You know everything about me. Whatever happened in my past is history. But, since the moment I met you, I have changed. The change I wanted so much to ensure I'm worthy of you for our future together."

He cupped my face in both hands and placed his soft kisses on my forehead, nose, and lips. That is Cid's signature gesture of assurance whenever he feels like there is something that might bother me or the other way around. I looked him in the eye, and I could see his sincerity in everything he said. 

"Don't worry about me. I trust you! But who is Courtney?"

"Honestly, I can't remember her face at all. But, according to Rick, she is a lingerie model who was with me the night he took me to the jet and flew here four months ago."

I knew he was telling the truth without taking my eyes off him while talking. Understanding the life Cid lived before he arrived here. So I decided without telling him what different scenarios were coming into my mind about why he needed to speak to this Courtney. 

"I will come with you. Bring me to New York Cid!"

I saw a surprise on Cid's face. I am not the same Aya as before. As Mama Jane said, I am now braver and stronger. After all the deaths I experienced in my life, I can face anything head-on. I will never forget the love and support Cid gave me when we were in Brooklyn a month ago. I will never let him feel alone, like he made me when I saw Marc again. For all I care and know, this Courtney can be the Marc in his life. And we should be together in facing her. 

"Are you sure you want to come? Not that I don't want you to, but I don't want you to get tangled with whatever Courtney has in store for me."

"Too late for that, Mr. Waldon! When you begged me to be your girlfriend, you gave up everything! That includes being alone in facing any problem, whether that problem is something or someone. Besides, I won't be at ease here while you are there."

"Jealous much, My Aya?! I like it when you are getting jealous!"

"Jealous of your face, Cid! In your dreams! Before you show your lustful face, let us do some packing now!"


The same crew who flew us a month ago welcomed us. The flight to JFK was smooth and fast. As expected, Rick waited for us at the airport, where we arrived early. It surprised Rick upon seeing me. I guessed Cid didn't tell him beforehand that I was coming with him. Whatever made Rick uneasy upon seeing me made me anxious. 

Good job coming to New York! I gave myself an imaginary pat on the back. I wouldn't miss this for anything. Rick's reaction just got me more curious and nervous. 

"Courtney agreed to see us for lunch, Cid. I made reservations in The Garden of the Four Seasons. Since I booked the Oculus suite for you, you still have time for a quick nap, guys. I'll call you Cid when it's time for you to go down later."

Cid and I nodded in agreement with Rick. I hugged Rick and said my thanks before Cid, and I headed to the elevator. The curious me can't get over the idea that Rick doesn't want me here. I planned to corner him while Cid was napping. I texted Rick to meet me in the hotel lobby in five minutes. After getting confirmation from Rick, I immediately went to the lobby.

"Hi, Rick! Thanks for meeting me here."

"No prob Aya! What's up?"

"I want to break the ice between us. You weren't happy to see me here, Rick."

"Um... it's not like that." Rick shook his head. "How should I say it?"

"You can say it any way you want, Rick. I'm a big girl! You have my word. It will just be between the two of us. I will be an audience later. I came here to support Cid because I felt it bothered him about this talk with Courtney."

"Aya, please don't misunderstand. I thought it might not be good for you and Cid to be present simultaneously in front of Courtney. But I know that you only have Cid's best interest at heart. So I'm just worried that you might not be ready for the news. I won't tell you about this because it is not my piece to say."

"Is it that bad, Rick?"

"Let me say that if they disagree, it will put Cid in an unpleasant situation. You will be a deciding factor in whatever agreement they will have to come up with later."

"Now you are making me more nervous! But I'm a do or die for Cid! We are together into this, Rick!"

"Thanks for being there for Cid Aya! I hope you won't change your mind later! I'm rooting for both of you! Good luck!"

I quickly walked towards the elevator to ensure I was already back in our suite before Cid woke up. I decided not to rest anymore and started freshening up and preparing myself for lunch. I won't lie; I am secure of Cid's love for me. But, knowing we would meet a lingerie model, I felt insecure about my body. I have never modeled for anything, though I know my curves are in their right places, it's better to be ready for any battle. Especially with a lingerie model Aya!

Cid and I were already on our way to The Garden 30 minutes earlier. Since we didn't eat any from the time we left Massachusetts, he decided we come down earlier to have some snacks while waiting. I can't eat. As soon as we sat at the table Rick reserved, my nerves acted upon me. 

"Are you not going to eat? You want to order something else?" asked Cid. 

"No, I'm good. I'll have juice for now. I will reserve my appetite for later, Cid."

"Aya, if you feel uncomfortable, you don't have to join us. You can stay in the suite and wait for me there. I promise I'll be a good boy!"

"No, Cid! I'm staying! I will be here for you!"

I'm sure Cid felt I am getting anxious. He said nothing and held my hand the whole time he ate. His gaze at me and squeezing my hand sometimes lessens my nerves. Rick arrived minutes before 12 NN and joined us at the table. Rick was facing the entry door while I was seated across from him. Cid is on my left as his right is facing the entry door. At exactly 12NN, Rick looked at the entry door and announced that the woman we meet has already arrived. I looked at Cid's face once I heard Rick's announcement. And I will never forget Cid's expression. He looked like he saw a ghost, which changed to a face of defeat. I decided not to look yet; instead, I squeezed Cid's hand that he clasped in mine. The words that came out of his mouth surprised me.

"I'm sorry, My Aya!"


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