With Love comes Loss

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(Please play the song above while you read this chapter when said)

You wake up and get ready for the day, Severus is already ready, he watches you carefully, you go to him once you are done, you head to the class with him by your side. Then again you are called, your arm starts to scream in pain, making you fall to the floor, Severus freezings knowing he didn't teach you what Voldemort asked.

at the hideout

Lucius gives y/n a hug. "Welcome to the pack, it was me calling you I'm sorry..." (in this story he isn't with anyone) "the dark lord can be a bit scary but, just trust your emotions," he takes your hand, "breathe calmly when you see him, you are his greatest value... you need to understand that if you are unsure... come to me" Lucius gives you a warm smile. Looking into his eyes, you feel your stomach flutter, his eyes didn't look real at all. His long hair flowing in the wind of the cracked and broken windows, his smile warming up the room. He pats your back, "if you ever need someone to talk too, I'll be right here." He walks off, and you are left confused about your feelings with all the men who have been nice to you, who usually aren't nice.

(Play the song above)
Walking back to the castle you feel a sharp pain in your side and fall to the floor. Your blood pouring from you like a broken water bottle. You see Draco running to you in fear, he slowly picks you up to not hurt you anymore, he takes you to the hospital wing, Pomfrey quickly taking action. Draco holds your hand in comfort "y/n hang on... please..." his tears start to fall. "I never got to tell you how I felt...." his words were soft... before you blacked out from the blood loss, the last thing you remember thinking was, "why are they in love with me... I'm nothing"

You wake up from a coma with gifts from all the men who love you, of corse Severus was beating the competition, you see Lucius running into the wing seeing you awake he stops for a second and smiles with joy hugging you gently. "Y/n ... oh Merlin y/n..." he softly says as he keeps his hug, his hair falling to his sides of his face, he looks back up at you, and without him thinking he planted a kiss on you, he sighs and smiles at your beauty. "Thank Merlin you're alive..." he falls to the side of the bed "I beg of you, please go on a date with me, I don't wanna take life for granted anymore..." he looks at you with pity. You look at the man in shock, Draco comes in and hands you flowers, "I'm so glad you are better! Y/n  I... think you are beautiful.." he says with a smile... his father getting up. "Draco she's mine." He hissed "SHE NEVER ANSWERED YOU" draco bites back. "I'm SURE she will pick a man... not some... KID" Lucius spits. They go back and forth and then if it could get any awkward, here comes the free going Lockhart bringing you a huge box of chocolates, must have paid 50 dollars for it, he gives you a present and you opened it, it was a beautiful necklace that had a heart with real diamonds on it, of corse he would flex that he was rich, but the malfoys didn't and they are wealthy. You look up at him and smile, Lockhart smiles and says "I like you a lot, and I thought you would be stunning in it, with that Lucius and Draco snapped their heads to him, they attacked Lockhart fighting him.

Severus comes in last, seeing the 3 models (in his eyes) fighting over you, he gets mad and breaks them up. The 4 men fight for your love and you couldn't take it, you had feelings for all of them at this point, some more than others and you yelled "STOP!" They all did so, "I can't do this, I... I think I need to be alone.... from all relationships." You saw Severus, he looked as if he was just cut in half, the men walk out leaving severus there. "Even from me..." he sighs. "It's too much going on right now sev..." you sit up in the bed. "I love you still sev, I need time." With that he nods in understanding and walks out.

You lay back down, thinking over all the men, Severus is your main love, he is your everything, he chose you to love after his loss. His smile was rare, it was a rewarding experience to whiteness. Lockhart, not your pick if you could choose but, the way he lets get nothing to him, so care free, extremely nice to you, his smiles are common but not all the time, his smile was nice. Lucius hair.... it looks like silk, his smile is more common than Severus, but still rare, he cares for your safety.... then there's Draco, he smiles almost all the time, a joyful kid around your age , he cares as deeply as Severus. The men, usually cold blooded and hates everyone, love you...

What to do...

You remember Severus and all he went through, you remember his love for you and the way he could light up the part if he would be willing to show emotions around people. You get up asking a house elf for help to bring the gifts to you and Severus room, you walk to his class room and see him panicking, he's not taking notice of you. He is drinking fire whisky and he looks at a pic of you and him, he grabs his wand and aims it at his neck and he begins to say...

"Avada Ked-"

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