Prince of Knights Chp16

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Thank you so much Tamara96Phillips for the amazing BANNER>>


*A beautiful woman delights the eye; a wise woman, the understanding; a pure one, the soul*

Badr winced at his sore, benumb legs. He was famished and knackered and did not know where to proceed once he ambled out of the house. He needed to pray then return back to Raghad for she needed him. Badr turned his head left and studied the mud houses. Indeed, it crossed his mind to build mud houses in his tribe but he knew he father would never accede to such a suggestion. Sheikh Faisal cherished his traditions and wished to always have a firm grasp on them.

"Salam alikum, ya Sheikh." greeted a voice from his other side. Badr twisted his head right to see a familiar face, a face he had seen at the wedding.

"Wa alikum as salam, Adel." he replied, then made his way towards Faris's friend.

"I was ordered to wait here for you, in order to escort you to where the tribesmen are convened." Adel grabbed the ends of his black headdress and tossed them over his shoulder.

"I cannot ya Adel. I must perform my prayer and return back in the house." Badr took note of the frown that knit the man's brows from his words. He knew the tribesmen waited for him to join them, but he did not have any interest in their gathering what so ever.

"Insha'Allah," Adel gave a nod, "Come with me." then rotated around and gave his back to Badr and strode away.

Badr prayed his Magrib prayer in a small tent far from the house he left. Once he was done he remained in that position for a while to do tasbeeh on his fingers. He had forgotten his prayer beads back in the tent in his tribe, which saddened him for he never left the tent without his misbaha. When at last he was contented with the number of verses he murmured, sagr al fursan rose to his feet, twisted around to take a step forward, but halted in his track.

"I heard you came out to pray." Faris bend a little to step in the tent.

Badr felt his wrath ascend, Faris was the only person he did not desire to cross paths with. Badr clenched his fist, aware that if he uttered a word massacre will occur. "Indeed, I did." His cold voice responded as he took a step to come face-to-face with Faris, his intolerable brother-in-law.

"Now that your have graced us with your presence you shall accompany us as well." Faris al Fursan suggested sternly.

They glared at each other for a while, Badr knew he had inflamed the man. The look that materialized on his face apprised Badr that surely Faris's patience hung from a thin yarn. "I have far more indispensable matters to attend to then to listen to Borkans."

"Surrounded by wolves and yet the deer has the hardihood to fight," Faris smirked, "Very well. I shall see you at repast." with that he took a step back to depart.


After Shouq helped Raghad pray and introduce Batool and Jazee to the bride, feast was served for Raghad. She denied to touch it, Shouq endeavoured to convince her, but the bride merely shook her head. When Badr returned back to sit in front of his sister, Shouq dissolved in the back and sat behind the women to survey the brother who ate. It was then Raghad decided to touch her food. Badr ate a little for her sake for he knew soon he had to leave for the feast. He was glad that her tears had ceased, her form was frail from all the tears that betrayed her eyes.

The young girl who had given him water in the mud bowl once again appeared to take away the feast, by now he was certain she was Faris's sibling, there was striking resemblance between the two. He counted his heartbeats to know the minutes he would spend there with his beloved sister. His ears heard every sound, the women who nattered, the crickets that chirped just outside the room, the wind that swayed the bushes, the herds that moved in their fence.

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