Part 6

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In a small coffee shop hidden from the view of the customers, a bunch of floating animals were working in the back creating pastries. They are being supervised by a woman with blue hair when suddenly a chime is heard from the front door. "Hello welcome to Lady Luck's can how can I help you?" A blunette with a light pink apron covering a white short flowy sundress says as she appears from the back. "Hey Marinette," she smiles "Hey Dick, what can I get you?" "I just need some macarons for the road, I'm heading to the office, Tim apparently needs my help" she only laughs and gathers his stuff together. He goes to sit down in one of the chairs as he watches her work. Suddenly Damian walks through the door "Fu I require your assistance." He proclaims not even noticing Dick. Marinette turns to him and smiles "what do you need?" He looks around the store and sees Dick "Not here." He walks behind the counter and drags her to the back glaring at Dick as he goes.

He looks her dead in the eye "I need you and Grayson to court each other already" his words stop all the commotion going on in the back. Plagg starts laughing hysterically "Ummm why do I need to umm court him?" She asks awkwardly. As he sighs the kwamis get back to work "Grayson will not stop complaining that you probably don't like him back, which while I admit is understandable, he is pretty unlikeable. However, you happen to have a strange attraction to him for some reason. So I need you to court him, so he will stop whining all the time. Also, I would like some pastries for Rachel." Marinette looks at him before asking "What kind of pastries does she like," they head to the front.

She finishes both of their pastries when another chime comes from the door "Hello welcome to Lady Luck's can how can I help you?" Marinette looks up and sees someone she never thought she would see again. "Dupain-Cheng?!" Marinette looks at the girl in shock. The boys watch not sure if they should intervene or not "Chloé? What are you doing in Gotham, and it's Fu now I gave up my parents' last names," she says surprisingly calm. Chloé only nods before "Umm I'm here on business, and the name Lady Luck's reminded me of Ladybug so I thought I would check it out. Anyway you know you are considered a missing person?" Marinette only looks away "Yeah I umm, I don't wanna talk about that, and don't tell anyone I was here." Chloé nods understanding as Paris was a sore subject for her too. She walks up to the counter and orders "Umm can I have the pot of fortune and a croissant?" Marinette nods and gets her coffee ready. "So Chloé how have you been?" "Good, good, umm it's been hectic running Style Queen now that my mom retired, what about you I always thought you would be ruling the fashion world?" Marinette hands her, her coffee before smiling "After I left everything behind I fell into this pit of being lost, I still kinda am, but I'm finding my way, plus Gotham could use some luck, and who better than a Parisian to bring it right?" She jokes at the end and Chloé lightly chuckles. "So true, we all went through hell and back, you more than anyone else. I never got to say this and I shouldn't have to say it as I should have never acted the way I did all those years ago, but I'm so sorry for the way I treated you, I was awful, when I moved to New York with my mom I was forced to wake up and realize the world doesn't revolve around me." Marinette walks around the counter and hugs her "You're forgiven" Chloé hugs back tightly. They separate and Chloé pays before pulling out a card, "It's my information if you ever want to get in contact with me just call. I know I don't deserve to be your friend but I would love to be" Marinette takes the card and pockets in her apron "Will do Chloé, If you ever need a pick me and croissant you know where to come." The girls hug one last time before Chloé heads out. Marinette let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding before turning to the boys. "Mari who was that?" Dick asks as Damian nods in agreement, "Before she moved to New York she was one of my classmates, she was actually the one who became Miracle Queen, she was broken back then, like I am now, which is why I forgave her." She looks Dick in eyes "Plus forgiveness is one of the first steps to moving forward, and I want to move forward more than anything" he smiles before dragging Damian out to leave Marinette back to work, the next customer comes in "Hello welcome to Lady Luck's can how can I help you?"

Marinette closes for the day at 8 pm before heading upstairs using the stairs. Once upstairs, she eats before heading to her roof. On the roof was Nightwing and Redhood, "Ready for your first night Kitty?" She smiles before "Plagg Claws Out!"

"Young guardian, I would like to accompany you," Wayzz says as he appears carrying her potions in a bag. She grabs the bag and places it over her shoulder before opening it for Wayzz, he smiles before flying in. Nightwing hands Kitty a com to go in her ear, "you should add a utility belt to your outfit," "You're probably right, I could keep my potions in them, as well as some smoke bombs" she says before the three of them run off to join the other bats for patrol. As they are running Kitty asks "Does this make me a full-time bat?" The boys laugh "Yeah!" Red Hood shouts out, she giggles one last time before they all quiet down and meet at the rendezvous point. Once there she finally meets the rest of the bat family. "Hi, I'm Spoiler! This is black-bat, over the coms are oracle and Agent A, and finally, I believe you know Cat-Woman" Spoiler says "Kitty Noir," she replies before Cat-Woman says "Finally another cat on the team, I've been surrounded by bats and birds all by myself." She stalks over, both cats at this point are staring each other down before cracking up. "Glad to be here," Kitty says. Soon everyone splits up Nightwing with Kitty Noir, Red Hood with Red Robin, Spoiler with Black-Bat, and finally Robin, Cat-Woman, and Batman together. The patrol was easy going with no real problems. A few robberies here and there but a mostly silent night. Unsurprisingly no one sees Kitty Noir, as she wants to mostly stay a rumor, at least for now. Eventually, everyone meets back up at the Batcave to debrief. As both of the Reds appear, being the last ones to show up, Batman begins "Red Hood, Red Robin report," "Nothing big B just a robbery down in the shopping district," Red Hood replies, he nods before moving to Spoiler and Black-Bat, they report the same thing just a normal robbery. He moves on to Kitty and Nightwing "Nothing to report here," he says before Batman can ask. Except before anyone can leave "Grayson, Fu when have you two decided to start courting?" Damian asks as he changes out of the Robin suit. This catches everyone's attention. Jason and Tim start laughing quickly joined by Steph and Selina. Dick and Marinette's faces light up ad they avoid looking at everyone. "I told Fu earlier today to start courting with you Grayson and I wish to know the progress?" This makes Marinette squeal in embarrassment before dropping into a crouch and covering her face. This sets off a chain of laughter from the others as Dick tries to come up with an answer. "Uhhhh," he turns to Bruce who is just smiling at him and Marinette. "Me and Marinette haven't talked about anything like that, I mean," he looks to Marinette who is looking to him hopefully, "Would you like to go on a date?" Marinette jumps up and hugs him "Yes!" "Finally!" an exaggerated response comes from Damian who is already walking out of the cave. They quickly pull apart, Marinette looks at everyone, face aflame, "I should head home," she turns to Dick "Ummm I'll text you alright" he nods his head as he watches her leave. He turns back to his family who are all struggling to keep a straight face minus the obvious, he looks at the laughers in eyes "Don't even think about it" before leaving, his words fell to deaf ears as they again start laughing at their awkwardness. Later that night Dick got a text.

Mari- Hey... so when did you want to go on that date? I mean of course when you free.
Dick- How about this weekend? I know that the bakery closes earlier than.
Mari- yeah that could work, so where should we go?
Dick- I'll plan everything just wear something semi-formal
Mari- Really? Are you sure?
Dick- Positive
Mari- Alright then I'll see you tomorrow for patrol, or if you stop by the bakery
Dick- yeah I'll see you tomorrow
Mari- Goodnight
Dick- Goodnight

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