29| Salt Replacement

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Ten days later, Na Gu and his party arrived at the destination-the mountain tribe.

Xu Fei looked at the mountains in front of him, all of which were bare and without vegetation. Plants are scarce and there are certainly not many prey.

No wonder they are eager to exchange food with the surrounding tribes.

Guarding such a salt mountain, there is nothing around it, and salt is not enough to be full. 

If there are no other tribes to exchange food, they either abandon the mountain or starve to death.

Although it is a mountain tribe, the salt mountain is not high overall, only twenty to thirty meters. 

The Salt Mountain was not as white as Xu Fei had imagined. On the contrary, it was a little bit grey.

A tree on the east and a clump of grass on the west looked like a balding Mediterranean.

The people here live together at the foot of the mountain and send people to patrol the mountain regularly to prevent those who are greedy for stealing the salt from the mountain.

That is their treasure.

Because this is the first salt mountain close to the rainforest tribe, there are many people who come to exchange and ask for more food.

If you walk for another day, you will encounter a large stretch of salt mountains, where you need to walk one day longer and require less food.

The young people have to change a lot of salt, enough for a tribe of people to eat for a period of time, they are not afraid to travel more. Na Gu took Xu Fei with him, and for the two of them, it didn't matter if the salt was changed a bit more or less.

Besides, he found that Xu Fei had lost a lot of weight during this period of time.

So everyone parted ways here, and the leader of them also warmly invited Na Gu and them to visit his tribe.

Their tribe was by the big river, not far from where they lived.

Na Gu had never encountered this kind of treatment and was at a loss for a while. Xu Fei, who was next to him, understood his feelings, and helped the big man thank them.

When everyone was gone, the silly big man asked the people around him.

"Are they inviting me to be a guest?"

Looking at the big man still expressionless, Xu Fei, who knew him, only saw that the ears on his big dog's head were erect.

He got up, and quickly helped him confirm whether hd had auditory hallucinations.

"Yeah!" Xu Fei didn't tease him, and the answer was simple and clear.

Na Gu's eyes were bright, and there seemed to be tails wagging behind him.

It happened that he still wanted to make a look that was not uncommon, and he muttered that he must want to steal his wife from him, he was not fooled!

"Are you here to change the salt?" Xu Fei walked over to a pudgy middle-aged man.

Na Gu found that someone was leaning over, and immediately put away his relaxed attitude, and became serious and cold. Any creature that was close to his daughter-in-law would have to be on guard without being authenticated.

"Well," Na Gu took off the back basket, put it down, and let him see the meat inside.

When the man saw the meat, his expression was obviously agitated, and his voice was much louder than before, "Okay, follow me."

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