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"Are you Jinyoung's soulmate?"
"How long have you known Got7?"
"Do you have any relation to Stray Kids?"
"Any comments on this whole situation?"

"Hey Jae, good morning!" Felix's bright voice rings throughout the living room.

Jae quickly clicks out of her Instagram account and turns off her phone. She places it facedown on the table in front of her and walks over to Felix.

"Morning." she smiles taking a seat on the kitchen table as Felix pours himself a cup of orange juice. "Or afternoon actually." she adds looking at the clock hanging in their kitchen.

"Yeah, when we get home late from the studio we usually just sleep in the next day." Felix explains. "You still not used to the time difference?"

She sighs as Felix slides her a cup of water.

"Sorta, i've just had a lot on my mind. I couldn't sleep so I was just waiting until an appropriate time to get up." she admits. After seeing the concerned look Felix had, she merely shrugged it off.

"If you wanna switch rooms you can always tell us." he reminds her.

Taking a seat across the table Felix and Jae sip on their drinks as the distant sounds of the rest of Stray Kids getting ready are heard in the background.

"I'm fine with the couch, really." Jae assures him.

"Are you worried about the whole Jinyoung thing?" Felix asks with pitying eyes. "I'm sure as long as you and him aren't publicly spotted together it'll all blow over."

Jae sighs thinking back to the millions of notifications shes already gotten. Fans have already found her Twitter and Instagram, even her TikTok and Discord were leaked. Any ounce of privacy she had left was being taken away.

"They found all of my social media's." she tells Felix in a small voice.

Felix sighs already having a hunch about what happened. He's experienced it, all the boys have, but they knew what they were getting into, Jae didn't. She did nothing but be friends with an idol.

Jae puts up a tired smile to try and fool Felix into thinking she was alright, but the emptiness behind her eyes tells a whole different story.

"I'm sorry." Felix reaches across the table taking her hands into his. "You deserve to only hear lovely things, I hope that's all you will hear in the future."

His bright smile melts away any coldness that might've been in Jae's heart from the hate. A smile wouldn't fix everything about this situation, but it did help.

"Oi Felix!" Chan yells rushing into the kitchen. (ik that meme is soooo overused but it seemed so perfect here:x) "What are you guys doing?" he asks in a casual tone taking a seat next to Felix.

The two disconnect hands as Chan sits down.

"Talking about people finding my TikTok account." Jae tries to joke to lighten up the situation.

"They found your social media's?" Chan asks in a slightly more serious tone.

"It was bound to happen." Jae tries to shrug it off. "At least everyone knows I have nothing to hide. They've seen it all."

Her statement sent chills down the boys' spine. Her public image was put out into the world for people to peer into, even her personal image was on display in the Stray Kids' dorm now.

Her life changed completely in such a short amount of time.

"We'll make sure you get protected by JYP." Chan promises the girl. "We can't fix everything, but we swear we'll do our best to keep you safe."

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