
625 19 16

     Shuichi's eyes fluttered open. He was still in his clothes from yesterday. His lights were still on. He squinted as his eyes adjusted to the light and turned himself onto his stomach, picking up his phone.

He had 13 missed calls from Kokichi.

     It was then that everything that had happened occurred to him. He gripped his phone tighter and began to replay the incident again. In a better headspace this morning and free from his headache, more things began to become clear to him. That expression on Kokichi's face when he had first spun around. He had seen it before. It wasnt malicious. He made that face whenever he would pull a harmless prank.

     What was the prank in question, again? Kokichi had stolen his pizza. He sighed and fell back onto his bed, burying his face in his hands. Had he really gotten that upset over a silly thing like that? Suddenly he felt less like a victim in this situation. It was crazy how much your mood could muddy the way you acted.

     Shuichi decided not to busy himself with overthinking and got up out of bed. He checked his phone a second time, this time looking at the time. It was 6:45, He still had about half an hour before he would have to leave.

-Kokichi's POV-

     Kokichi stared blankly out his window as the sun peeked over the horizon, the glass slightly fogged up from the chilly morning air. The light slowly filling his room was a harsh reminder to the fact that he hadn't slept. A sharp knocking on his door startled him out of the daze he didn't even realize he was in.

     "KOKICHI!!" A shrill voice on the other side said. "What is it, brat??" He replied to the voice, which he recognized as belonging to his little sister, Akari. "Dad says you have to get up!" The little girl replied. She had the amazing talent all younger siblings have, that being the ability to make Kokichi's blood boil just by existing. "I know that idiot!!" He shouted, cracking the door open.

     Her expression softened a bit. "Whoa. You look a mess.." She said upon seeing him. "I know that too. What are you, captain obvious? Now get lost!"

     "No, more like a mess than usual, I mean. Did something happen? Does it have to do with that dumb boyfriend of yours?" She replied, her tone still sharp, but less so. Kokichi looked down and let out a sharp sigh. "Didn't I tell you to leave?" He said, beginning to close the door. Akari shoved her foot in the door before he could close it. "Hey!" She yelled, pushing the door open the rest of the way and walking in, to Kokichi's dismay.

     "I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong." She said assertively as she sat on the floor and crossed her arms. Akari was stubborn as hell, so Kokichi knew that wasn't an exaggeration. He gave a heavy sigh and sat back on his bed. "Fine then." He said, giving up. Akari was the only person in the world who could make Kokichi give up like that.

     Kokichi explained the whole incident to her in detail, not caring as the clock ticked past the time he was meant to be out the door. Akari listened attentively, her expression not changing the whole time. He finished talking and looked down at her on the floor. She twirled one purple pigtail around her finger and thought for a moment.

     "I know!" She blurted out at last. "Well? Spit it out, then." Kokichi replied bitterly. A stupid grin spread across her face, as if she had just come up with the best idea in the world. "Buy him a new hat!"

     Kokichi sighed. "Weren't you listening? He's had that hat since he was a little kid, I can't just replace it." Akari rolled her eyes and smiled. "I know, I know.. it's sentimental or some kinda bullshit." She said mockingly. "But its about the gesture, yeah? He'll be just so charmed that you went outta your way to get something for him that he'll forgive you! That's how it always works in the anime I watch, anyways!"

     Kokichi considered the idea for a moment. "Wow, you actually said something useful for once!" He said, smiling and patting her on the head, messing up her hair. "HEY!! You're gonna make my pigtails come undone!" She said, smacking his hand away. "Thanks for the idea, Akari! Laters!" He said, giving a wave before grabbing his backpack and running out of the room and towards the front door.

-Shuichi's POV-

     Shuichi dragged himself out of bed. He sighed as he looked in the mirror at his eyeliner-smudged, tear-stained face. He begrudgingly changed into new clothes, washed his face, and brushed his hair. As much as he longed to disappear into his bed and sleep forever, forgetting about the events of yesterday, that wasn't a choice. He had to get up and face the music, and apologize to Kokichi.

     Apologize for overreacting, apologize for making him cry, apologize for making him feel like he liked Kaede more than him... apologize.

     Something in him dreaded the thought. Kokichi was always the one apologizing to him. He wasn't supposed to be the one messing up. He closed his eyes and tried to shake the thought from his mind. He knew that it was incredibly immature to think like that, and incredibly immature was not something he wanted to be. And yet, as he stepped out the door, he still found himself terrified to talk to him.

     He got in his car and started to drive off to school. He found himself longing for the sound of Kokichi's off-key singing in the seat next to him. His eyes watered, threatening to mess up his eyeliner once again. As much as it scared him, he needed to apologize to Kokichi. He couldn't bear another silent car ride like this.

-Kokichi's POV-

Kokichi stepped out of his house, the bitter winter morning greeting him with a gust of wind that was so cold it made his face sting. It was then that he came to the realization that, since Shuichi obviously wasn't going to come pick him up as he usually did, he needed to walk to school since he didn't have a car.

He groaned and began down the sidewalk, just his luck that the wind was blowing in the opposite direction that he was walking. He was halfway to school when he remembered that he needed to get Shuichi a new hat. He cursed under his breath. He had no money and there weren't even any shops in his way, and he was already late. He considered going back, but decided against it. He had confidence that he would figure something out. And he was right.

Kokichi walked into school, his face red, his unbrushed, greasy hair sticking up in every direction. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. He would steal a hat from the lost and found and give it to Shuichi! He smiled a genuine smile and veered out of his way to go to where the lost and found was.

-Shuichi's POV-

Shuichi sat in first period, homeroom. He tapped his finger on the desk impatiently. It was 15 minutes past the first bell and there was no sign of Kokichi. It was like him to be late, but 15 minutes? Worry started to consume Shuichi's mind. What if something had happened to him? What if he couldn't come to school today because of how upset he was? What if he got in a car crash on the way home from Kaede's house and-

His thoughts were cut short by a knock at the door of the classroom. Shuichi didn't even realize he had been squeezing his eyes shut and clenching his fists. He looked up as the teacher answered the door, and, to his relief and surprise, in walked Kokichi.


I'm really sorry i didn't end this chapter very well.. it was getting long and it's late where I live so I needed to end it. I hope you enjoyed anyways!

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