the hard goodbyes

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Lexi Kapanen

"So what are we going to do tomorrow?" Hailey asks stuffing her mouth with cheetos. "What about tickets to the Capitals-Blackhawks game, after that a dinner at the diner and then a movie night at Lexi's." Jack suggests squeezing my shoulder while his arm is around me. I smile at him kissing his cheek. " I couldn't ask for a better sounding last day with all of you guys." I smile sadly.

I am officially moving to Canada the day after tomorrow.

"Heyhey hey! No! Stop! Don't you dare  start that 'last day together crap!' you are well aware that this is not the hard goodbyes to all of us! No! We are going to hang together, all of us as soon as we can. We still have few more weeks before we have to continue our seasons in different states!" Alex says frustrated.

"I'm sorry, you're right this is not the goodbye. We will see eachother again." I smile, but deep down I knew, it would be hard to get the whole group together again.

It was hard with Kap and his friends too..


It's almost the end of second period of the game and capitals are leading the game 4-1

"And now it's time for our kisscam everybody!" The camera searches for a perfect looking pair, landing on me and Jack.

"Well if it isn't our very own Jack Hughes!" He announces and I blush feeling everyone looking at us.

"Well, what are we waiting for" Jack smirks and pulls me in for a sweet kiss, before I can even react. I kiss him back smiling sweetly after he pulls away.

The game continues but everyone is cheering for us.

"I guess we just made this official to everyone" he smiles taking my hand in his and kissing it. "I guess we did" I smile. "Go girll get your man!" Hailey hypes me up. "More like get your man" I wink at her, knowing well she and Quinn hasn't made it official to the world. Quinn hears me and smirks pulling Hailey in for a kiss too.

"Guys! You are making me sick!" Trevor fakes puking and then Josh slaps his head. "Ouch! Why did you do that?" "Let the lover birds have their moments idiot!" Matt answers him smiling sweetly.

"Trevor you are an idiot sometimes"

"Why am I always the one that is being bullied!?" He whines and I laugh shaking my head at him.


"I am so full! If I eat one more frie I will explode." I whine gently tapping my stomach. "Oh yeah?" Jack smirks starting to poke me. "Jackk! Stophh" I whine. "Okay okay I don't want you to puke all over my fries." He chuckles.

"So what movie should we watch tonight?" Alex asks "and we should totally go get some snacks before going back to Lexi's" he adds. "Let's just wacth Brooklyn 99 we all like it and we haven't finished the last season yet. I think we should watch it together." I smile. "And I want some skittles." I add. "Well I want chocolate. Oh and Coke!" Hailey smiles.

After dinner we went to target to get everyone their fave snacks and Jack paid mine too eventhough I told him I would pay mine. "Just let me spoil you while I still can" he kisses my cheek. "Fine, but next time I pay." "Deal." He smiles and gives me a kiss "Guys, c'mon we still have to finish the season today!" Trevor whines and we pull apart. "Yeah yeah let's go" I chuckle.

"Dips on the couch!" Alex yells when we get inside. "Me too!" Both Trevor and Matt yell at the same time.

"Well I guess we are taking the floor" I smile at Jack.

We all take our spots and I hit the play button before sitting down. Jack wraps his arm around my shoulder and I lean my head on his shoulder.

It's almost 3am when the last episode ends and I look around seeing most of them already sleeping. I hear Jack's soft snores next to me so I grab a blanket and pull it over us before falling asleep myself.


"Well, I guess this is it then." I smile, tears streaming down my cheeks. "Oh Lexy don't cry please, I promise I will come see you next week already" Alex smiles hugging me. "Yeah I know it's just that I have never been happier. Since I met you my life has been getting better and better." I swipe few of the tears away. "Well, the same goes both ways" Trevor smiles. "Yeah, you are the best tourist guide ww could have asked for" Josh smiles.

"Aww I love you guys" I say and give everyone a hug.

We are at the airport waiting for my flight to board.

"We give you two a moment. See you soon Lexi" Alex gives me one more hug squeezing all of the air out of me. "See ya Alex"

"This is not a goodbye Lexi." Jack starts. "I know. You could come to Toronto later this week maybe?" I ask him.

I hope he says yes because I already looked for tickets I could by for him

"Ofcourse I'm coming. I already booked a flight" he smiles taking out his ticket.

"Jack I- what?" I smile hugging him tightly. "I couldn't let you carry all these bags alone"

"You are amazing boyfriend you know that right?" I smile.

"And you are an amazing girlfriend" he kisses me.

"I love you Jack Hughes."

"I love you too Lexi Kapanen"

ANND this is the end. I know it took a long time but I actually didn't have time to finish this and I didn't know how to really end this but I hope you like this chapter and tell me if there is some player you'd like me to write about. ( I won't promise I will write hockey fanfiction in the future but I already have thought about some storylines)

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