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(I know this is probably dumb of me to have 3 fanfics at once, and since I already have another siege fanfic currently.I just want a dokkaebi x oc one.PS:Thank you for all your support On Lost In The Dark <3)
Personal Info
First Name:(F/N)
Last Name:(L/N)
Birthdate: 5/13/1989
Military Experience:None
Physical Attributes:
Weight:175 lbs
Hair Style:Curly
Hair Color:Blonde
Eye Color:Grey
Home Country:Canada
Skin Color:White
Body Physique:Skinny/Frail
Psychological Profile,Childhood
Growing up with a abusive father wasn't necessarily the easiest thing for (Y/N) to deal with.His mother was never around due to she left his father for being abusive.(Y/N) was a troublemaker starting around the age of 12 he got into hacking and minor theft charges.He excelled in school going to the University of MIT for computer engineering.He then decided to not take on a actual career, instead deciding to join a group of people in Robberies/Bounties.He is a Mercenary, but has never shot a gun in his life.
Psychological Profile:
He is a very cautious type of teammate.He has issues with paranoia and anxiety.He is a very kind caring person, however he has trust issues which limits his ability to work well in a team with issues.Very clingy and can be to reliant on others to the point if he loses them it'll tear a part of him away.Very indecisive so not good for team leader.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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