Chapter 4-11

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"Uggghhh...." I grumbled into my palms.

My entire skull pounded like I smashed it into a brick wall. Heavy and swollen shut, my eyelids were squeezed shut. A dizzying sensation of movement forced them open, offering a view hidden under my blonde lashes. A blurred vision of gray filled my sight, which came into focus the longer I breathed.

Twitching my fingers, the tendons in my palms stretched. A weight pressed down on my chest. With a groan, I brought my hands up to whatever diagonally restricted from my left shoulder down to my right hip. My fingertips rubbed over a soft, flat, glossy material. I needed a few moments before I recognized it was a seat belt.

Why does everyone resort to drugging me out?

"Not much gratitude for someone I had to wrap in a tablecloth like a burrito, then carry out like a dead body," a male voice grumbled.

My eyes tracked his hand's movement to his side, where he hit a button that lowered the gray darkness surrounding us. Bright sunlight blinded my eyes. I hissed like a vampire, blinking until the blurred face turned into almond-shaped eyes and short, jet-black hair.

Tobias' eyebrows were drawn and crease lines tensed in his forehead. He rested his chin on his fist and looked at me blankly.

"Wuh-what?" My lips cracked with my stuttering. My dry throat felt like a sock was stuffed into my mouth.

"Good morning, Miss Zara," Tobias spat. "Or afternoon. You were out for longer than we thought you'd be."

"Tobias!" A shrill shriek ripped between my lips once his face cleared into my vision. Lunging forward, I gagged when the seatbelt restrained me. "You... you drugged me!"

"You weren't listening," was his moody response. "I needed you to move. It was easier to carry you over my shoulder."

"But -" I started when last night's events unfolded in my mind. One of my hands pressed over my forehead, like the movement would release my memories.

He was there again, the rogue. Correction, the jerk rogue.

My hand moved, following his outstretched hand, fingers curling up.

Why was I drawn to him? I don't even know his name.

"Try to calm down, Miss Zara," another voice spoke up into the car's interior space.

My eyes shifted over and took in a disheveled-looking Simon. His black hair was tousled wild in different directions, blood stains spattered over his white lab coat, and his horribly-patterned plaid tie hung around his neck like an afterthought.

"Easier if my head wasn't trying to split itself in half," I moaned and clutched my pounding forehead in my palms.

The sway of the car alleviated none of my discomfort. Had my stomach contained anything, then I'm positive the contents would have been spewed all over the seats by now.

"Here." Tobias handed me a small, white, circular tablet of medicine, which I turned my nose away from. "For motion sickness. We're, uhh, weaving through the mountains. Sorry."

"Thanks," I mumbled and swallowed the pill dry.

My eyes flickered over to Simon, whose white-knuckled hand clutched onto the nearest door handlebar like he rode on an amusement park ride that he was desperate to exit.

"Simon," my voice softened. "Your family..."

"Are currently riding with Elena, Rose, and Meredith to the Southern border." Turning his head, the sun highlighted his beaming smile. "Thank you, Tobias."

One BiteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora