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I woke up in the middle of the night having the urge to get some water for my sore throat. I lazily walked down the stairs taking careful steps so that I won't fall down. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge taking a cold bottle of water.
I ended up gulping down the whole thing within seconds. I threw the empty bottle away in the recycling bin carelessly and walked back upstairs.
I open my bedroom door stumbling in and throw myself on the bed.
I fall back into a deep sleep quickly...

I slowly open my eyes feeling my throat is still sore and my whole body feels hot. I look up at my clock on my bedside table and jolt out of my bed when I see the time.

12:44 PM!!!

Crap, Crap, Crap I'm so late!

I ran into the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. I look sweaty and tired. Instead of getting ready, I run downstairs into the kitchen to get the thermometer. I open the medicine cabinet and see the thermometer. I take it out and push the little button on the side, then put it under my tongue and close my mouth. I wait patiently for the beep. A few seconds later the thermometer beeps and I take it out of my mouth.

103.5 I read off the thermometer.

God no I can't come up with a fever right now I have school. I'm just going to have to skip school for the rest of the day since it's in my best options that I don't get anyone else sick.

I grab a cloth near the sink and drench it with cool water. I squeeze out the remaining water from the cloth and walk over to the living room. I lay down on the couch and carefully put it on my forehead.

I sigh in content when I feel least hotness on my forehead but the rest of my body is burning, and my throat is still sore.
I rarely ever get sick so it's a bit complicated taking care of myself.

I wish my parents actually cared...

I try going back to sleep but my eyes are glued open. My whole body is starting to feel sore now and I don't want to move.

That's until I hear a knock at the door. I groan in frustration and get up from the couch. I pull off the cloth from my forehead and limp over to the front door.

I open it a bit and peak out only to see Eric there in all his glory.

"Hey, Eric what are you doing here?" I asked surprised that he even knew where I lived.

"I wanted to see if you were ok since you know you weren't at school the whole time," Eric said scratching the back of his neck.

Does he care about me?

I stare at him amazed that he would even notice that I was gone.

I snapped out of my trance and clear my throat which hurt so bad to do. I wince a little bit but pull myself together.

"Oh yea I have a fever and a sore throat," I said sheepishly.

His eyes widened a bit and a look of concern flashed in his face. He opens the door a bit wider and comes in.

I stood there shocked that he just went right on in.

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