Meeting the Neighbors

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Ricks POV

Today I had to meet the new neighbor, I really didn't care until Morty said it was a girl, he also said she is in her early 20s, he didn't know an exact age but I guess we will find out today. I really want to just... start over with my life, I'm looking for someone to be happy with and not have to impress them with things like I had to do with unity, that was a toxic relationship looking back on it.... I used her.

That doesn't matter now

I'm a new man!

Morty snapped me out of my trans, "Rick! C-Come on w-w-we need to go!" He stuttered. I stand up brushing my lap coat off and brushed my fingers through my hair to look presentable.

I walked to the house across from ours and waited as Beth rang the door bell, "why is my heart pounding" I thought to myself, the door opened to reveal a dashing (skin color), (h/c) (h/l) girl with (e/c) orbs, her (body size, small, medium, large body size|| rick won't judge you in this book :>) frame begging for me to hug. I lost my breath looking at her, surprise I didn't show it. "Nice to meet you!" The girl said in a soft tone. "I'm y/n!" She started "y/n l/n!" "It's nice to meet you y/n, I'm Beth," my daughter started, "this is my husband Jerry," she motions to the unemployed stupid man, "nice to meet you" Jerry comments, "my children Summer and Morty," she puts her hands on their shoulders, morty waves and summer smiles saying "hey", "and my father Rick," she finished. "Hey... ni ~burb~ ce (nice) to meet you" I shoved my hand to her for a shake, she did, her (small, medium, large) , (skin color) hand gently squeezing my greyish slender ones, I didn't want to let go, but I had too. With a quick motion I put my hands in my pockets as Beth invites her for dinner, "FUCK FUCK FUCK" I kept repeating in my head. I try my best to not think of what can happen but if just floods my mind.... "perhaps we talk to each other and she ask me for my number? No no I give her mine... yeah! I'll give her mine! And we go to the garage and I show her my inventions? She would like that maybe? We can hang out until she is sleepy and she falls asleep on my chest as we watch the night sky! Oh man I can't wait!" I went on and on, all I wanted was to be alone with her right now and talk about each other's interest, but that might happen sooner than later because someone was snapping their fingers in my face and I quickly jumped. "Huh?" I said , I realized that my family left me on the doorstep of y/n's house, I must have been staring at her because she was slightly blushing and had her arms crossed. " finally!" She sighed , "Rick you okay? You seemed to be asleep standing up like a cow!" She chuckles.
" oh... I was j-just da ~burb~ ydreaming (daydreaming) ... how long have I been standing here?" I asked scared of the answer. She chuckles gently, "around 15 minutes..." she showed me her phone and she was right! "HOLY FUCK!" I yell, "I-I-I'm s-so sorry y/n!" I stuttered out, "whatever it was, must have been important hm?" She interrogates, I smiled softly, "yeah very important...." I reply. I quickly get a pin and scurry around my pockets for paper, I found a note pad and put my number on it, "h ~burb~ ere (here) is my number, you can text me whenever." I give her the paper. She looked up at me and smiled, "thank you! I will put it in right away, and here's mine!" She writes a number down on the lower half of the paper and ripped it for me to have,

"thanks." I reply and put it in my pocket, and she gave me a quick hug, and before she let go she said "one thing you gotta know about me, is I'm a hugger!" She lets go leaving me with a blushed face, " I can get used to that," I smile . "Well I should get ready for tonight., by Rick! Nice talking to you!" She said and I waved, "nice talking to ya too, can't wait to see you" I reply as she closed the door.

I walk away doing a little victory dance, and with that I got myself ready,

I put on clean clothes that don't smell like alcohol and I brush my hair, I also shave my beard that was slightly growing, not to noticeable but it was prickly and didn't feel good to wear, I also brushed my teeth and put a small bit of cologne on, I never wear it but I think I will tonight. I wipe off the green drool from my mouth and make sure my ears and nose were clean, I looked in the mirror happy with myself.

Tonight will be good...

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