It's Not Over Yet

21 4 2

December 17, 2029
Rochester, New York

"We have done everything there was to be done, my advice at this moment is that you say your goodbyes" Were the words that echoed through the room as the doctor spoke, Ramney pinched the bridge of his nose as he took a deep breath

"You have done everything that you can? Have you consulted with other doctors, other specialists, people who are bound to this work, who work with cases similar to his?"

The doctor gave him an understanding look and continue to explain "Per the family's petition we consulted with a doctor from San Francisco who specializes in comatose patients with a low level of brain activity but sadly the rest of his injuries were too severe, the body cannot heal from all at once"

Ramney's nose flared as he curled his fingers into a fist and then pointed his curved index finger at the doctor's face "Bullshit, I make miracles happen for a living and if I can make it happen so can you, SO GO BACK IN THERE AND SAVE HIM"

"Doctor Ramney, I know you are in pain, your friend has been in this state for weeks now, but, are you sure this is what's best for him, for his family, to go through all this pain and agony?" Kyle said to him as he laid a hand on his shoulder, Ramney bit down, his jaw hardening, he looked over his shoulder

"YOU DID NOT JUST SERIOUSLY ASKE ME THAT SANDOVAL," he said biting down on every word and then turning to look at Kyle

"Go get me a doctor who can do their job, or shut up and do nothing. To think he called you his friend, and here you are giving up on him" Ramney waved his hand pointing at Kyle from bottom to top, Kyle cleared his throat trying his best to be sensible towards him "You need to calm down"

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO" Ramney screamed while hitting the table standing next to him

Kyle gave a step forward and looked straight into Ramney's eyes "THAT'S ENOUGH! Ok, I understand you are in pain Anthony, but if he were someone else, what would you do? If he wasn't your LOVER, what would you do? What would you say to his family, to his friends, HUH? tell me you wouldn't agree with what the doctor here just said? Tell me you wouldn't advise them to get their affairs in order? You know every damn well that doesn't necessarily mean that he's gone, but that we as family and friends need to prepare for the worst in case he dies, you know this better than anyone, you have to deliver news like this every day, so take a walk or do whatever you have to do to calm down because no one here deserves to be put on the spot for doing their best."

Ramney dropped his shoulders and lets out a frustrated breath and walked out of the room and stops in front of another patients room as Kyle followed him "You're right, I'm sorry, I, I'm, I'm just scared, scared that he won't make it, that we" he drops his head and cover his eyes as he starts to cry, and as he catches his breath he tries to speak as Kyle rushes to hug him "how did you know he and I?"

Kyle runs his hand up and down his back comforting him "I pay attention to details, and I also happen to be very good at putting one and one together, he is very fond of you, and well, since the very first time he mentioned you, there was just something different about the way he said your name, and I also saw the way you looked at him, only two people that love each other look at one another that way. So let me be the one to tell you, Andrew Melton is a strong man, and he will make it, but if for the slightest of chances he doesn't, you have me right at your corner, you are not alone."

Six days later

Kyle and Ramney step out of the elevator to spot nurses running down the hall, knowing what that could mean they follow, the nurses pass by Melton's room, Ramney and Kyle both look at each other as they stop right in front of the sliding door, as they look inside they spot him sitting on his bed, he smiles at them vaguely, as the doctor addresses his mother "Well, as I told you before, we're going to run some tests to make sure everything is in order and continue to proceed with caution, but his vitals are rising which is promising, so for now, I would like it if we could let him rest, even if it seems like he's been sleeping, he has been through a lot of stress and needs to regain his energy"

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