7 - My Dear

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The demon found himself quite surprised when no burning acid water touched his skin.

"And what the fuck do you think you're doing?" An angry yet inhuman voice growled.

"Oh ssso nowww you decide to ssssshow up?" He slurs, popping the 'p' at the end.

"You fool! Do you really think killing yourself will bring Aziraphale back!?"

"Whaat do youuu care?"

"I'm death! It's my job to care when somebody dies prematurely! And tell me, what would your angel think!"

"Fuck off! He abandoned me!" At his own drunken words, the demon broke down.
"He... He abandoned me... He left me alone. All I want is for Aziraphale to come home!" Sobs escaped his throat.
"Please! I love you Aziraphale. Please please come home! I don't want to be alone anymore!" The demon had completely lost control of himself. He'd spent too long without the angel. He couldn't take the pain anymore.

Death silently stared at the broken demon as he hiccupped Aziraphale's name between sobs. The cloaked figure sighed. In his hand the tartan flask and it's contents disappeared into dust.

"Killing yourself won't bring him back."

"Oh shut up! You don't even know what you're talking about! I'd rather be dead than without him!"

"Did you ever think to consider that he can't come back?"

"Of course I did!" The demon screamed. "But he didn't even try to stay! He could've asked me for help! He could've found another way! Or at the very least... He could've told me." The demon began to cry again, reaching for more liquor. "But he left me all alone."  Death knelt down and hesitated. A pale hand hovered before it rested on the Demon's shoulder. Crowley froze.

"Thank you for reminding me why I do this." Before Crowley could even raise his head, death had gone, and in a slow movement, the Demon's hand hovered above the shoulder that had just been touched. Surely Crowley was too drunk. That must be it. There was no way he could sense what he thought he could on that shoulder.

The demon was hesitant. He didn't want to sober up. He didn't want to face reality. But if he didn't check the residue that death had left on his shoulder, he'd send himself mad. So he sobered up, taking much longer than usual, due to the sheer level of his intoxication. And when he'd done, the horrible aftertaste of a miracle burnt on his tongue. He didn't realize until he'd lost the alcohol in his system, just how cold the room had begun. But he wasn't focused on that. He was too preoccupied by the energy that dusted his black jacket.

Very slowly and with a shaky hand, he hovered his fingers over the shoulder. He lightly absorbed the energy and his golden eyes blew wide. Without a moment's thought, Crowley used the energy to track down it's source. He ended up in a pink painted bedroom where death and his cold atmosphere were situated. Sitting up on a small bed was a little girl wearing fluffy blue pyjamas with a pink unicorn printed on the front. Death pulled down his hood and smiled at the little girl.

Crowley clasped a hand over his mouth to prevent the gasp from escaping and alerting the two to his presence.

"Hello dear," death spoke to the little girl.

"Hello," she replied with a shy little smile. Her hands wrung behind her back and get body swayed a little. But when Crowley looked closer he realised it wasn't her body swaying, but her spirit. The girl's body was still lying on the bed.

"I'd very much like to take you somewhere nice. Is that okay with you?" Death asked her.

"Mummy says I shouldn't follow strangers." He smiled again.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you. Here, I also brought you a friend." With a flutter if his wrist, a unicorn was created from shards of light. The girl giggled as the little horned pony chased her around. Suddenly the creature of light knelt down and the little girl got on its back. Smiles were shared between the two before the girl and unicorn vanished. Crowley watched as deaths smile faded and he stumbled against the wall, holding himself up.

"A... Ziraphale?" The blond immediately turned to look at him. His eyes widened and he moved back into the shadows, covering his face with the hood. Crowley didn't let him get far before grabbing him and yanking down the hood again. Crowley's demonic sights allowed him to cut through any level of darkness. But even so, he has to blink several times to be sure.

His blond with the familiar pale blue eyes stood before him, silent and unmoving. A violently wrathful look appeared on the Demon's face. The Angel quivered unsure on what the demon would do. But what he did shocked both himself and the angel.

Crowley roughly pulled Aziraphale's arm violently thrusting him against the Demon's chest, gripping him with resolute strength. If it wasn't for the Demon's hitched breaths, the Angel wouldn't have even known that Crowley was crying. He wanted to cry himself. But instead, he painfully shut his eyes and swallowed down his tears.

"Get off me Crowley," he told him quietly.

"No" The Angel's heart burned his chest.

"Crowley, get off." He demanded with a far more fierce tone.

"No." The demon replied once more. The Angel let out a breath and with a strong shove, pushed the demon away. He stumbled back, looking at the angel in surprise. The Demon stood in silent shock.

'I'm always here if you need a hug.' Crowley remembered Aziraphale saying on several occasions

"You mustn't touch me." Aziraphale spoke quietly but firmly.

"I think I have more than enough right to hug you, Angel!" Crowley hissed. The nickname sounding less like an endearment and more like a threat.

"That may be so, but I'm warning you."

"Oh you're warning me!? Just like you warned me when your took off and left? Just like you warned me that we saved the whole of creation just so you could leave me? Or just like you warned me before telling me that you didn't think of me as anything other than an enemy?"


"Don't 'Crowley' me! You damned angel! How could you!? Tell me Aziraphale, was this supposed to be some sick joke? Find a demon, give him someone to trust then rip that trust away?" That one stung the Angel.

"Y... You can trust me."

"No Aziraphale, I did trust you. I've learned from my mistake. I will never EVER trust you again!" Although the silent tear that fell from Aziraphale's eye remained unnoticed by him, it was closely watched by the demon. All Crowley wanted to do was go to the Angel and find a way to make him feel better. But he just couldn't. The hurt was too much.

"I.... Understand." Aziraphale whispered. He was no longer able to bare looking at his demon.

"Get the fuck away from me and don't come back." A barely noticable whimper left the angel's mouth as he rapidly turned and disappeared into the night.

Angel Of Death - Crowley X Aziraphale (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now