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Shirou growled as he jumped onto the roof of the car "So you three idiots, were bought out by the humans." He said still standing on the roof, one of the beastman loaded his gun and shot at Shirou "And how would you know that!" After firing there was an explosion.

 "It doesn't matter if you are a beastman or human, if we get a job, we get it done!" now all three of the beastman were shooting at Shirou, he dodged all of the bullets, making it look easy "Nothing else matters!" The Lions yelled.

"The festival you ruined matters," Shirou said running up to the deer, he threw him upside down and kicked his head into the concrete. The wolf fell to the ground while the Lion was fighting Shirou "You'll pay for this, you'll pay with your life." Shirou said, she knocked the lion down and kicked his body into the concrete destroying it.

The other wolf got up and pulled out a knife, he was soon kicked away by Shirou.

Just as that happened (Y/N) and Michiru finally arrived to the scene, they watched as the gray and blue wolf stood above the rubble "You beastman sold yourself to the humans, you disgust me, you don't deserve to be torn apart by my claws." Shirou said reaching up into the air "You'll die by my first!" He clenched his fist and yelled.

"Bring it on then!" The lion and the deer both stood up and ripped apart their clothes 'Woah.' (Y/n) thought as she closed Michiru's eyes, at the same time they both rawred causing the two girls to close their ears.

It was over almost as soon as it started, the lion charged at Shirou pushing him away, but instead Shirou picked him up and threw him, the same thing happened but with the deer, Shirou now stood above the deer grabbing ahold of its antlers.

"Let go of me!" The deer struggled to try and get out of Shirou's grasp "You already lost the pride of being a beastman, so you don't need the pride of being a deer!" Shirou yelled, pulling on the antlers.

The deer laid there begging for him to let go.


(Y/n)'s eyes widened when she saw the man get picked up by the lion "I am done with you!" Shirou smiled and then said, "There's no need for you to be rude about it." After saying that Shirou hit the lion with the deer's antlers and launched himself in the air, he came crashing down and punching the lion in the face, causing him to fall to the floor creating a crater.

Michiru watched in horror while (Y/n was still stunned, all of a sudden the small wolf came up behind Michiru and held her hostage "Stop don't move" Michiru gasped, not knowing what to do, Shirou looked back surprised "Move one step and she's dead!" the small wolf said.


The small wolf shivered and looked up, above him was a black wolf with different colored eyes growling at him "She's not the dead one." (Y/n) Punched the man down, and he bounced back into the air, she punched him down again doing the same thing "Ok I think he gets the point.." Michiru said still scared when his body bounced into the air again (Y/n) kicked him into the other two men who were trying to stand.

Shirou watched, surprised by the both of them being here.

(Y/n) sighed and then walked over to Michiru "Are you alright Michiru?" She asked, Michiru shook her head yes and then smiled "Thank you.
" after saying that she then walked over to the three men.

Michiru watched as she picked up the wolf again and threw him into the wall creating a dent "H-hey, that's enough..." she said, (Y/n) didn't stop though, instead, she watched as the small little wolf tried to stand "You think you can beat me!" He said struggling to stand up.

Shirou stood next to Michiru watching the whole thing go down, he was surprised by the girl's strength.

"I don't need to beat you, I just need you to stay down." (Y/n) said, she then grabbed ahold of the wolf's neck and punched him to the ground, she watched as his body was now limp "Next time don't take a little girl as a hostage." After saying that she kicked him and sent him flying back to where the Lion and the deer were.

"Stop it!" After saying that the street was filled with light and (Y/n) jumped back to avoid the fluffy thing coming towards her, when it cleared she saw Michiru standing in front of the three men, she looked to her side and saw Shirou standing next to her with his fangs out "I thought this city was wear beastman could all live in peace, so why are you hurting them (Y/n)!" Michiru yelled 'So her name is (Y/n)? and they know each other?' Shirou thought.

"Michiru gets out of the way, that man just tried to hurt you." (Y/n) said staring at the girl 'her name is Michiru' Shirou thought.

 "I know...but that doesn't mean I want them dead..." after saying that (Y/n)'s guard dropped, she sighed and then transformed back into her human form, she walked up to Michiru and smiled "You're right, I'm sorry, I was just mad that he tried to hurt you." Michiru smiled and then hugged her.

(Y/n) They turned around and faced the man "I think these men have had enough, there is no point in fighting them anymore." Shirou growled and then said, "Humans are our enemy, so any beastman who works for the humans is our enemy as well, they ruined the festival which is why I'm going to make them pay." Michiru stood in front of (Y/n) and then said "But not all humans are bad!"

"Every human is exactly the same." Shirou said, (Y/n) transform into her beast-man and tried to walk towards him, only to have Michiru stop her "No they're not...I know because I am one.....at least I used to be!" Michiru yelled.

(Y/n) and Shirou both deadpanned her, out of nowhere (Y/n) burst into laughter "Then why do you look like that?" Shirou asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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