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Alex POV

As Y/n and I were leaving the hotel room, she stopped suddenly. "Wait, Lex, we haven't told my mom about us, and I'm pretty sure the team hasn't either."

"Well to be fair, I'm pretty sure we're not all that subtle about it. I doubt she hasn't figured it out by now, or at least suspects it. Plus I wouldn't be surprised if Kelley let it slip."

"Assuming she doesn't know, though...do we tell her?"

I shrugged, realizing I hadn't actually thought about it. Besides the team, the only people that knew about Y/n and I dating was my family.

"Honestly I don't really care. It's totally up to you, she's your mom. I support any choice you want to make." I said, giving her a reassuring smile. "We don't have to tell her now, if you aren't ready."

Y/n thought about it for a few seconds before speaking again. "I don't know. I mean she might already know, so I guess maybe we don't say anything, but don't like...try to hide it either? See what she says before we decide?"

I nodded. "Okay, yeah, that sounds good to me."


As Y/n and I walked down the hotel hallway, we suddenly ran right into the very people we were looking for.

"Hey guys." Kelley said, smiling. I met the defender's eyes and silently told her that I needed to talk to her. She inclined her head in the smallest of nods, telling me she understood.

"Mom, can we talk?" Y/n asked Hope, who nodded, a little smile on her face.

"You guys can take Y/n and I's room. Alex and I will go to her room." Kelley said.

The two keepers nodded and before walking off, Y/n shot me a nervous smile, making me giggle a little.

Once they were out of ear shot, I whipped around to face Kelley. "What happened!? Tell me everything!"

The freckled woman laughed. "Shh! Come on, let's go to your room and I'll tell you."


We lounged on Kelley's bed while I listened to her explain her talk with Hope, and their plans for the future.

"So you guys are getting back together!? Oh my god, Kelley, I'm so happy for you!" I squealed, tackling my best friend with a hug.

"Yeah, I can't believe it. I never thought I'd see her again."

"Well, I'm so glad you did. I know how much you missed her."

The shorter woman nodded. "So what happened with you and mini Solo?"

"Oh! Before I tell you, I had a really good idea for a surprise for Y/n tomorrow."

I went on to explain my idea before telling her about the conversation my girlfriend and I had.



I sat on the edge of my bed, across from my mom, who sat on the edge of Kelley's. I wasn't sure where to look, but I didn't want to meet her gaze. On some level, I think I was still upset about everything. Yes, I had appreciated her apology before dinner, but an apology can't fix something like this over night.

My mom had hidden me for 22 two years with little to no explanation, just that she didn't want people knowing she was my mother.

That had really impacted my childhood, not only because I had to lie to everyone, but also because any time I wanted to have my friends over, my Aunt would come over and pretend to be my mother while Hope left.

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