Chapter Fifteen | Gone

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The buzzing of Holland's alarm wasn't something she wanted to wake up to, but on days like this one, it sure would have been nice.

Her alarm decided for whatever reason, to fail her.

Holland quite literally fell out of bed trying to untangle herself from the colorful blankets. She had no time to make her bed either. Compared to Ember's immaculate side of the room Holland's looked more like the stereotypical college students.

A mess.

"Clothes," she muttered trying to focus.

Holland ran to her small closet and picked the first outfit she saw. A mustard orange sweater, just one size too big, along with a pair of navy jeans. She quickly threw on some boots and put all the things she would be needing for the day into her backpack.

She did one last look around the room before brushing her rat nest of hair out with her fingers, she didn't have time to do much else.

The door was locked and she had everything she needed. It was not going to be that late, at least she tried to assure herself that.

Holland was going to be late by fifteen minutes, it wasn't going to end the world.

College was different from high school, she didn't even have to show up for some of the classes. However, she wasn't like that, she had always been on time-even in kindergarten.

She knew it was going to get to her but she did her best to ignore the feeling of failure when she took her seat in the classroom. Nobody paid much mind to her as she quietly took out her laptop and started to type what was on the board behind the professor.

As much as she'd liked to say she took notes throughout the class, she didn't. For the life of her, Holland could not focus on anything, it was like everything the professor was saying was in some other language.

It wasn't even one of her boring classes.

Holland just was not able to focus on anything she was saying. Instead, she made a checklist for the day she had to get a case of water at some point soon, but she doubted it would be today. It already looked like it was raining.

There was no way she was going to walk to the store and back with a case of bottled water in the rain. She could just get a container and leave it out in the rain if she wasn't in the city.

She shook her thoughts free and looked around at the people who were packing their laptops and notebooks away. It kinda shocked her to see how many people used notebooks over computers.

Following their doings Holland packed up her things and said goodbye to the professor, hoping the woman didn't notice she basically was off somewhere else throughout the lesson.

On the way to her next class, she stopped by the cafeteria and got some breakfast. It was a simple oatmeal and fruit bowl along with orange juice. Not the best she ever had but she was hungry so anything would have been pretty good.

Holland quietly walked through the light rain to her next class. She thought out of all her professors this had to be her favorite. Professor Vulcan was always great to talk to, he loved to joke about how his name was the Roman god equivalent to the Greek god Hephaestus.

He studied both Greek and Roman myths but the class was about Greek Mythology. Holland actually loved the class. Flynn said he took it last year and it had been his favorite. He loved mythology as much as he liked video games, the Roman myths were his specialty though.

Holland took her seat, this time she wasn't late.

Vulcan walked in with a bright smoothie in hand as he made his way to the desk. "Sorry I was late Zeus got mad and thought it would be nice to have a downpour as I was driving here."

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