Mary Quite Contrary

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I woke up with a loud gasp and saw Kol kneeling next to me. Fury imminent in both of our eyes. 

Kol: you alright Darling?

Vanessa: yeah yeah i'm good baby. Now let's go find them.

Kol: i know where they are going. Thanks to Nik we have found where they are going.

Vanessa: and where is that?

Kol: Mary.

Vanessa: well then let's go.

We arrived at her house and went upstairs to find her reading. She looked at us with fear in her eyes. 

Kol: we can't have no dead ends darling.

Vanessa: so don't take it personally love.

I sped towards her when she tried to escape.

Vanessa: sorry love.

Veins appear from under my eyes and my eyes go bright purple (to indicate that she is a tribrid), I grab her neck and bite her injecting my venom into her. She screams. I release her and see that the venom is already kicking in. 

Vanessa: she won't be dead in time. 

Kol: well then. 

Kol then grabs a stake and grabs her and stakes her to the wall. She instantly starts decaying. 

Vanessa: that was fun.

Kol walks back over to me and sees the blood still on the side of my mouth and smiles deeply at me. 

Kol: you are ravishing baby. 

Vanessa: why thank you. I've gotta admit that was hot what you did. 

Kol: we can keep doing this but i hear them getting closer.

Vanessa: okay.

Kol then sees an empty chair and sits on it. I then walk over to him and sit on the his lap sideways so they could see us when they entered. We switched the light off and waited. 


Vanessa: kol?

Kol: what's wrong darling?

Vanessa: you know that Stefan and I are twins right. 

Kol: yes and that you can tell what the other person is going to do and that..

Vanessa: yeah and know what each other is thinking well he's blocked me out. He's shut me out. 

Kol: how is that possible?

Vanessa: i have no idea. I might be the original tribrid but i can't break it.

Kol: how odd.. we will sort it as soon as we can okay darling.

Vanessa: okay darling. 


We both listened quietly to what Damon and Elena were saying. 

 Damon: Oof, like Vampire Hoarders.Elena: Who is this Mary person?Damon: Scary Mary. She's really old, super creepy.Elena: And how do you know her?Damon: I dated her.
Upstairs I scoffed quietly while Kol looked at me confused.: he dates everyone. Typical. Kol smirks and says doesn't surprise me. 

Elena : Of course.Damon : What? I said creepy, not ugly.

A loud noise comes from another room. Damon and Elena look at the door where the noise came from. Damon, followed by Elena goes into the room. Elena moves the torch light around the room and the beam lands on a vampire who has been staked to the wall.

Damon: Mary.

The lights come on in the dark room. They turn and see Kol sitting in a chair with a baseball bat and I sitting there with dried blood around my mouth giving them a psychopathic smile.

Kol: Quite contrary.
Kol and I got out of our position and started walking around the room. He went towards Mary and I stayed near Elena to make sure she wouldn't try anything.
Kol: Shame about Mary. She used to be a blast. Don't quite know what happened. I fear all the time she spent with my family might have ruined her. 
Vanessa: She was a bit of an Original groupie.
Damon: how would you know? 
Kol: well you see Mary still hung around after she got turned so when I met Ness in 1864 Mary was still there. 
Elena : And were you her favourite?Kol: You mean, did I turn her? I think I did. But no, wait, maybe it was Rebekah. There was also a Klaus period. And let's not forget the Elijah affair. I spoke to my brother, I know you're trying to find out who you descended from. Now you never will. 
Damon: Ness who turned you in 1864. It sure wasn't Katherine because you already went missing a month before Katherine even got the chance to feed us her blood?
I smirked at Kol. 
Vanessa: Kol did. 
Kol: she is correct. So, where did we leave off?

Kol hits Damon's leg with the baseball bat. Damon falls to the ground and Kol continues to hit him.

Damon: Elena, get out of here!

Elena runs for the door, but I rushed over and blocks her way.

Vanessa: According to my brother in law, you're off limits. Please don't test me.

I threw Elena to the ground. Damon gets up and rushed towards me.

Damon: Don't touch her.

Kol throws Damon off of me.

: Oh dear, we've hit a nerve. Heh heh. Relax, darling, I just want us to be even. You snapped my neck, you killed my brother, and then you humiliated me and then you have the nerve to hurt my beloved soulmate and wife who by the way is your sister. I'm going to make you suffer in all different ways.

Kol hits Damon with the bat repeatedly.

Kol: There, now we're even.
Kol and I then sped away.

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