Chapter 30: And So It Begins

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MonthsLater; Percy is supposed to be 27 years old, but being in a coma  for fourteen years, he is actually 17 years-old. (Time went faster on the island)

Third POV

"Someone call Empress Chaos!" Luke yelled, flashing into the Olympian Throne Room. Every single god turned their heads towards him.

Immediately all of the Elite Eternals and Chaos flashed in.

"What happened?" fretted Zeus.

Luke looked worriedly at the letter in his hands, and begins to read it. "Our armies march as I write this. We have decided to declare war on both camps, Olympus, Chaos, the Eternals, and anyone who sides with them. From Lord Aeon."

"What?!" yelled Aphrodite.

"This is too sudden!" said Hermes.

Everyone nodded in agreement, with the exception of Chaos and the Eternals as they had hoods on and Chaos instead looked determined. 

"Eternals, we had a deal," said Chaos  with a careful tone.

The Elite shifted nervously.

"What is it?" asked Poseidon wearily.

"It was between the Elite and I. It's a matter of trust. The deal was that if war had been declared by Aeon, then they would reveal themselves to everyone so you Olympians know you can trust them, and hopefully their identities can give you hope."

At the last word the Olympians got even more interested.

Zoe took a deep breath, and stepped forward. Particularly towards Artemis. "Milady, I have returned from the stars." Zoe said, bowing in front of her former mistress.

At first, Artemis was shocked. Then she shrunk down to Zoe's height and lifted Zoe's hood. She saw her former lieutenant, live and well.

"Zoe...." Artemis didn't know what to say.

"Yes?" Zoe smiled, pulling her mistress in for a hug. Artemis responded by hugging her lieutenant back, her tears of happiness saying all of the words for her.

The gods looked at the other Elite, anxious for their faces to be shown. Bianca stepped forward. "Lady Artemis, I didn't exactly get a chance to serve you for long last time, so I'm back to fix it." she bowed to Artemis, and then to the other gods. Artemis was sobbing in joy as she hugged both of her formerly dead hunters.

Luke went up to Hermes and saluted, grinning under his hood. Hermes looked confused. "Hey dad, nice to see you." Luke took off his hood. Hermes stepped forward and hugged his son, while Luke quickly pickpocketed his father. After they separated, Luke showed what he had stolen. Hermes' drachmas stacked in his hands. They both merrily laughed.

Now it was Charles's and Silena's turn. They both stepped forward, holding hands. The gods noticed this and Aphrodite awed at the two clearly in love. Then Silena went to Aphrodite and Charles to Hephaestus. They both asked the same thing at the same time, except with different names.

"Hey mom/dad, I need your blessing to be with Silena/Charles, so is that cool?" Both people said at the same time pulling off their hoods. Charles was tackled to the ground by Hephaestus and Aphrodite gave a motherly hug to her daughter, while both children had their hoods pulled off. The two gods nodded eagerly at the request of their former dead children who had died heroes.

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