Chapter 9

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Skylin's POV

At first I felt intimated when I saw the big house, it was beautiful and it radiated wealth. The closer we got to the entrance of the house the more nervous I became. When the Butler offered to take our coats I was hesitant to give mine to him thinking that we'd be eating outside today, yes it wasn't as cold as it was when the week started but it was still pretty cold. I soon found out that the dining area was in a room with lots of glass that showed the garden and the trees, it was a breathtaking sight to behold let alone to eat next to.

Surprisingly brunch went well with the Santiago's, they would try to include me in conversations and they would try to talk about something that was broad so that I would be able to contribute. 

Leyton was with me all the time, he would send me smiles of encouragement and reassurance even when I was comfortable he made sure to look my way every once in a while to ensure that I was still okay. All his geatures made my heart race as I would internally swoon. All the little innocent gentle touches would send tingles up my body, making me feel jiggly inside, it was honestly a feeling that I had never experienced before so it made me a little nervous.

"Will you be staying for dinner?" Asked Valeria with pleading eyes.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Leyton asked, redirecting the question to me.

I felt everyone suddenly turn to face me as they waited anxiously for my response.

"Yes, dinner would be nice." I replied with a nervous smile. I honestly hated being in the spotlight, feeling people's eyes and attention all focused on me made me slightly uncomfortable.

"Great, it's settled then." Carlos said with his cheerful voice, one that I was surprised to hear when he came into the room. To be honest Leyton's family proved to be kind, they were far from being the cocky or arrogant family that I was expecting to meet. I found that Leyton was the perfect mix of both his mother and father, not only did he get his looks from his father but he also got some from his mother. This was a family that looked fit to be models. Their personality's were bright, cheerful, accommodating and comfortable.

"Son, let's leave the ladies to their own thing while we go and play a good game of pool." Carlos said standing up and making his way to the exit.

"Will you be okay with Olivia and my mother?" Leyton asked with concern on his face.

"I'll be fine, you go and enjoy some time with your father." I said with a smile of appreciation and reassurance.

"Okay, then." He said standing up. "If you need me don't be afraid to call me." He said just as I remembered that I had forgotten my new phone at home. It had no contacts or anything on it so it was easily forgettable for me, but I still nodded to calling him.

"Oh well, so what would you ladies like to do?" Asked Valeria as she stood up. "Actually let me give you a tour of the house and then you can tell me if something interests you." Valeria offered.

"That would be great, your house looks beautiful from all that I have seen so far." I complimented with honesty.

"Thank you, Dear." Valeria said with her beaming beautiful smile that could definitely put mine to shame. "Come on let me show you both around, I have a feeling that even Livvy doesn't quite remember where everything is anymore." Valeria said with a laugh. "Follow me ladies." She said leading the way around the warm house.

As Valeria led the way around the house, I thought that the house looked extravagant before but I was blown away now. The were many portraits and paintings and they all looked extravagant and overwhelmingly expensive. The house had three floors and a basement, the basement was actually where you could find their game room which is where Carlos and Leyton were as well as an indoor cinema, which was set up with comfortable coaches a pop corn making machine as well as a slushy machine and numerous amounts of sweets.

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