Chapter 8: Explanations

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{This takes place a couple of days after the previous chapter. No episodes have happened since then.

We do not own Danny Phantom or Percy Jackson, only this story and our original characters.}

      A cavern ceiling passed high above Danny. He was being carried by someone much bigger than him. He heard crying. Who was crying?

      Danny woke up in a strange and gloomy place; it looked like a dark cave. Water dripped from stalactites and onto the rocky ground, forming puddles. Danny was surprised to find that he was not in pain; in fact, he did not feel much of anything as he stood there in the shadows. Danny looked around the cave and saw three old women, staring into the largest puddle in the center of the room. He wasn't sure why he was seeing this, and he turned when he heard footsteps behind him; it was Thanatos, but he looked different than Danny remembered. His chiton was disheveled and his feathers were dull, as if the color had been drained from them, leaving them almost completely black. There were tear tracks running down the god's face; he looked grief-stricken.

      "Sisters," Thanatos' voice cracked as if he had been crying. "You wished to see me?"

      The old women looked up at him. Together, they spoke with one voice:

                                         Death shall take a second apprentice

                              Made between the worlds of the Lost and  the Living

                                                 Born of pain and sacrifice

                            He shall save all worlds and bring peace to Death

      "No, I do not want another apprentice." Thanatos' eyes flashed with anger, and something else that Danny could not place. Thanatos stormed out of the cave, and the scene changed.

      Danny was now in Persephone's garden. Thanatos and Persephone stood underneath a pomegranate tree; Thanatos' hands looked burned and his feathers were dark, only a few shades lighter than the previous dream. The two of them were conversing in a different language, but Danny somehow knew what they were saying.

      :Danny will be fine, Thanatos.: Persephone gave a comforting smile. :You know he will.:

      :I know, but I am still worried.: Thanatos' wings fluttered nervously. :He nearly died. I nearly lost him, just like I lost Dianthe, and...:

       Who's Dianthe? Danny wondered as the scene changed again.

      Danny now stood in the throne room of Hades' Palace. Hades sat on his throne and Nico stood in front of him.

      "Please, tell me what happened to Phantom." Nico asked.

      "I said that is none of your business, Nico." Hades sounded like he and Nico had been having the conversation for a while.

      "Please, Father. I need to know he's safe." Nico's voice cracked.

      Hades sighed. "He is safe enough. Now, leave me."

      Nico bowed and left the throne room. When the door closed, Danny was shrouded in darkness.

      Pain. That was all Danny felt when he woke up. That and his bed below him. He opened his eyes but quickly shut them again as bright sunlight from his bedroom window shone in his face. He heard movement and flinched as he felt a hand grab his own.

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